Grow Tent that isn't 6 feet tall or taller....

I don't know where u live dude, but if ur UK based, i'd strongly recommend the Hydrolab tents - they do one called "60" which is 60x60x120 and costs about £85.

I've got one of their 120S tents (which is a 6footer! sorry lol) and i can't fault the quality on it - very practical & thoughtful design, professionally manufactured and with good quality materials. And that seems true across the whole range.

If i had the cash, i'd get their 60 to be my mini veg tent!

Thanks! But unfortunately I'm in the U.S.

But i don't know anything about growing Bonsai's, sorry!

Just keep cutting bits off i guess??! lol

Oh I know plenty about how to grow the trees, just looking for a good, not tall, tent :lol:
On the tents, I'm with tek on this one. Self-build with 2x2 and pine cladding, screwed not tacked. Easily dismantled and/or modified.
Tek, I do bonchi (bonsai chillies) in hydro. Satisfying as it is comparatively quick. 'normal' bonsai will frustrate hell out of you with slow growth after growing the herb. Airpot is good idea but remember at some point the plant is going to have to fit into it's final destination (bonsai is all about aesthetics and the plant is only half of it, the pot is the other half).
Generally, my final pots are about 1 or 2 inches high so I would cut those airpots down to those dimensions.
p.s. great places for bonsai pots is second-hand shops. Just look for any crockery suitable and get some glass drill bits to do drainage holes.
Look on Amazon! Lighthouse Hydro has all different size's.
Just bought 2 tents.
I needed one just for seedlings and clones,and 1 for veg and budding.
So far im liking this small one.plant pics 014.jpgplant pics 011.jpg
On the tents, I'm with tek on this one. Self-build with 2x2 and pine cladding, screwed not tacked. Easily dismantled and/or modified.
Tek, I do bonchi (bonsai chillies) in hydro. Satisfying as it is comparatively quick. 'normal' bonsai will frustrate hell out of you with slow growth after growing the herb. Airpot is good idea but remember at some point the plant is going to have to fit into it's final destination (bonsai is all about aesthetics and the plant is only half of it, the pot is the other half).
Generally, my final pots are about 1 or 2 inches high so I would cut those airpots down to those dimensions.
p.s. great places for bonsai pots is second-hand shops. Just look for any crockery suitable and get some glass drill bits to do drainage holes.
i have peppers in the garden
i'm not scared of the commitment im well aware it will take a few years to get the desired results
but the bonsai's im after are 2-3' tall i want a tree that might have a chance to produce flowers and maybe fruit
have you tried growing goji berries there a pain in the but they do not like pots whatsoever i have a few in containers that are doing rather well
also have some citrus grafted together republic of texas oranges on top of mexican limes also in pots
whats the price range bud ? for a tent
the reason i ask is there is also grow boxes aswell
just metal cabinets
maybe you could find a metal locker or storage cabinet
or maybe even a china cabinet with glass in the door
would look really cool
Tek, Gobi sounds cool. a quick google shows gobi likes to send out long rhizomes (underground stems). I've sometimes had problems with such plants in pots (Rhus typhina, Sumach tree being the best example). It's like they know they can't reproduce so die.
Citrus sounds so cool.
Spent yesterday stripping down my kitchen garden and removing it to make space for a diy shallow flood/drain. The idea being that the roots will fit into shallow pots. Also I needed my old hydrogarden dual-flow ready for over-wintering in it's cabinet.
It's all looking a bit sorry for itself atm.
Hey all,

I'm trying to find a grow tent that isn't 6 feet tall or taller. All I can find is super tall tents that I just don't need all that height. I'm posting this here because I'm not using them for marijuana, but just indoor plants (bonsai). The length and width seem fine on most of the tents, but they're all just too tall. So, can anyone help me out?
Buy some Mylar sheets (5 for ~$15.00) and either get an Appliance box but to size. Done!