So I have an aerogarden running in a growlab 80 with a 4' inline fan exhausting out of the top, I'm running only the lights of the aerogarden but am planning to run a 150w hps after a few weeks....that said w/ only the aerogarden lights on I'm sitting @ 79-81 degrees. I'm wondering if I can just run some duct from the a/c vent into the bottom port in the tent. I've been lowering the a/c in the apartment to about 75 degrees trying to get the inside of the tent colder w/ the air vents open @ the bottom and the lowest I can get is about 79. Would the a/c idea work or should I just get another inline fan? I've also read about c02 being sucked out w/ a/c units attached is that something I should worry about w/ this? Any help would be appreciated!