Grow tent


Active Member
Hi all I'm looking for a nice grow tent that will hold a plant or two comfortably. I've been looking at the agromax on HTGSUPPLY but ive been reading stuff called "gassing" and agromax tents give off the most "gas" could someone tell me what this "gas" is and why it would be "toxic" to a plant. And what tent brand / model do you all suggest?? I'm hoping to spend less than 200 bucks for this.


Active Member
anyone know what this "gas" is lol. How does Mylar or PVC give off gas?? im sorry if this makes not sense to you. because it makes absolutely no sense to me either.

Does anyone here use the agromax tent? do you like it? any problems? im thinking of the 139.99 stacker off of HTG ot the 120 dollar one "mother keeper" what say you RIU community? think those will work??

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
gas is a reference to outgassing, if you have been in a new car or a brand new house that is the smell you are smelling. There is a lot on the internet about it. I would think if you have air circulating enough to cool the tent you would not have an issue but I am no chemist.


Well-Known Member
You get what you pay for with grow tents. The support bars in the last cheap tent I used broke and the light fell and destroyed my plants. With all the money you invest in indoor growing, it seems silly to not get the best tent you can afford. I've used secret jardins for the last few years and have been quite pleased with their products.

Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Have heard jardin is a good brand as mentioned. I have a hydrohut silver edition for the last two years. It is falling apart now because of my own stupidity but i recommend this tent. Next tent i am looking to pick up though is a gorilla tent. After watching the comparison vid on growershouse im sold on it.
Do not by a growbox tent, they are junk and the material rips easy, not to mention hella light leaks

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Active Member
Thank you all for the replies :) . I'm going to look into secret jardin or a gorilla tent. Thanks a billion.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
I see Gorilla has a 'Lite' line now. Cheaper than the original, but still has most of the features. Apparently. I don't have one, just reading the sales hype. Looking interesting nonetheless.


Active Member
I got my tent on amazon for like 260$ shipped to my door. Its super thick material with strong zippers and tons of doors and venting options. Jardens are way over priced honestly.