Grow Timeline

Elmer Fudd

Active Member
Hey everyone this is my first day on rollitup, I just two minutes ago planted my first seeds, 4, and have relatively low expectations, but I'd like something smokeable, I am on a tightly managed budget as I am a student.
What I am looking for is a timeline you experienced growers may know by heart. After germination I'd like to know things like how long until first growth should be expected to appear, when I see this, how long until I put X fertalizer in, or X nutrient/mineral blend. "When you see this your ready to bud, change to this kind of light". You know, that kind of stuff. I know the knowledge is out there but it's hard to find in one spot, so if one of you, or a compilation of you pot growing gods could simplify, or atleast put down in one place (here) this kind of instruction? That would be phenominal.
Any advice is good, don't feel your being too detailed, I'd love the most detailed step by step I can compile.


Well-Known Member
i can write a detailed timeline of what to expect but first i need detailed information about your grow like soil or hydro or cfl or hps and what not like that then after u write what kinda stuff your using i can probably redirect you to someones grow journal

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i can write a detailed timeline of what to expect but first i need detailed information about your grow like soil or hydro or cfl or hps and what not like that then after u write what kinda stuff your using i can probably redirect you to someones grow journal
also what size grow room?

Elmer Fudd

Active Member
Well i have a spare room 13X13, I live in a two bedroom with my girlfriend, so height isn't an issue but smell could be depending on how bad we're talking, for now I'd like to have it budding at as small as possible, I know little, I've only done rudimentary research. As far as lights are concerned I've only looked at widow maker's walkthrough, so that's what I know, affordability is key with any tips or links your going to redirect me to, soil is generic wal-mart plantsmart potting soil, I have thought as far ahead as cfl's. That's it that's all.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
first i would search through the grow room and design and find something that will be your grow op inside the room.or buy a grow tent. it will be easier to contain the smell inside a smaller op or a closet useing a carbon scrubber.
with a scrubber you will want to get a good fan that will do the job. size fan is determined by size of the op and lights being used scrubber or no scrubber.
you could use fluorescents or metal halide for veg then high pressure sodium for flower.
size of plants depends on strain and how you grow them . lights, soil hydro,topped ,fimmed ,lst,

timeline depends on strain, size of grow op, size of lights, how you grow them, environment, temps humidity etc.

1) research research research read the frequently asked questions for alot of great info.
2) decide on a grow room design and lighting does it need to be stealth?
3) size up your exhaust fan, is it just to vent the op or will it be for cool tubes also and carbon scrubber.
4) decide on strain or strains. research these dont go by what the breeders tell you. search the forum for people who have grown.(journal, smoke report. google.) then decide on the style you want to grow. topped, lst ,fimmed ,scrog vertical etc. 5) decide on grow medium (first grow do soil imo)

do a test run in your op with no plants and see what the temps are.
most people do a bagseed grow for their first grow not to waste good seeds. but to each his own.

i like to start from seed under fluoros for about the first week. then metal halide for about 3 weeks minimum on an 18/6 light schedule. some do 20/4 or 24/0 light on all the time. this is the vegetative stage.
then i change to hps and 12/12 lights schedule and flower however long is needed. usually between 8-14 weeks strain dependent.

i dont know i typed to much and too buzzed to reread. if anyone can add anything or correct me in anyway please do.

oh yeah forget about affordability lol. im a do it yourself type and it really doesnt pay off all that much. if your serious about doing this remember you get what you pay for. buy good equipment. it will be reliable and efficient and cause you less problems during the grow.

Elmer Fudd

Active Member
It doesn't pay off all that much in the long run? Or immediately? I am just using bag seed, 4 plants, I have no idea how they'll turn out, I will follow your advice on timelines I think, it's the best I've got but I will continue to research surely. It does not need to be very stealth, I have a very well equipped head shop near me, stacked with things like grow tents etc., perhaps I will have to do a cost benefit analasys on if this is really feasable right now. If one followed your schedule placed above, with the materials suggested, how much bud could I harvest after the 8-14 week, assuming this is your most generic weed you can find, nothing special. This will help with my cost/benefit, you could put average/plant, or if play the odds we can assume I'll get 2 males and 2 females.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't pay off all that much in the long run? Or immediately? I am just using bag seed, 4 plants, I have no idea how they'll turn out, I will follow your advice on timelines I think, it's the best I've got but I will continue to research surely. It does not need to be very stealth, I have a very well equipped head shop near me, stacked with things like grow tents etc., perhaps I will have to do a cost benefit analasys on if this is really feasable right now. If one followed your schedule placed above, with the materials suggested, how much bud could I harvest after the 8-14 week, assuming this is your most generic weed you can find, nothing special. This will help with my cost/benefit, you could put average/plant, or if play the odds we can assume I'll get 2 males and 2 females.
on your first grow go as cheap as u can just so u can get the hang of things. i suggest for 4 plants is to go to home depot and get 2 bathroom light fixtures for 10 bucks a piece. the fixtures will look like this

then buy some y connectors for 89 cents a piece (this allows you to put 2 cfl lights into 1 socket) you will need 5 if u buy 2 fixtures then u will need 10

then buy light bulbs u will need enough to fill the fixture and also buy daylight bulbs they will look like this

your gonna need an old plug that u can cut so u can rewire the fixture to a plug.
also buy a timer for the lghts.
To water your plants just use tap water thats been sitting for 24-48 hrs
for soil go out and buy organic soil and also buy a low nute solution 5/3/3 will be ok. nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K) N-5 P-3 K-3
BECAREFULL that u don not get a nute that is really high in N as it will burn your plants leaves!!!
set your timer for 18/6 i good time will be lights on at 7am and off at 1 am
after that ur set for vegging.
The only difference is for flowering u will want soft white cfl's.
the buds you will get from soft white will be light and fluffy as a hps light will produce dense buds.
Hopefully this can start you off on your grow. Happy Growing

Elmer Fudd

Active Member
Thanks alot, what kind of electricity $$ we talking about to run that many lights? Just a question, and same week system as the gentleman suggested above? As far as the weeks for the types of lights you suggested? That is all the questions I have and you've answered it all!


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot, what kind of electricity $$ we talking about to run that many lights? Just a question, and same week system as the gentleman suggested above? As far as the weeks for the types of lights you suggested? That is all the questions I have and you've answered it all!
:) Glad i can help you out!! and to tell you the truth i dont go by weeks under a light...i just measure the height and usually put them into flowering when its between 16-20 inches (because in flowering the plant grows twice its size) and the wattage used umm each bulb is 26w (which is equilv to 100w incandescent light)

this is my thread using the same setup as i described above this plant is 7 weeks into flowering check out the pics!! hopefully u can get the same expectations as this plant was from bagseed to!!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
It doesn't pay off all that much in the long run? Or immediately? I am just using bag seed, 4 plants, I have no idea how they'll turn out, I will follow your advice on timelines I think, it's the best I've got but I will continue to research surely. It does not need to be very stealth, I have a very well equipped head shop near me, stacked with things like grow tents etc., perhaps I will have to do a cost benefit analasys on if this is really feasable right now. If one followed your schedule placed above, with the materials suggested, how much bud could I harvest after the 8-14 week, assuming this is your most generic weed you can find, nothing special. This will help with my cost/benefit, you could put average/plant, or if play the odds we can assume I'll get 2 males and 2 females.
i just meant as far as not paying off is that if you buy cheap stuff now you will end up upgrading later and it will cost you more in the long run. if you buy quality it will last longer and cost less over time.

as far as weeks go, if the stain says 8 weeks of flowering, i plan on 9 or mabey 10 weeks flowering.

cfl, are ok to veg. but if your going to veg say 4 to 6 weeks or if the plant gets 20" to 24" tall then you start to flower and the plants get 4 to 5 feet tall those cfl's just dont have the penetration to get down to the lopwer branches. thats why i like hps for flower, but more hest from the bulb needs bigger exhaust fan.or a cool tube.