Grow Tips for Malawi and Panama


New Member
Greetings all. After having researched quite a bit about Sativas, I have decided to grow Aces Malawi and Cannabiogens Panama. Was hoping to get Aces Panama but have heard great things about Cannas Panama. I plan on running 3 different Panamas until they show their true phenos as I am crossing my fingers for red pistils. I may grow a green pheno along with the red if the chance presents itself.

My setup is a 5x5x7 tent(have two but one's for my Incredible Bulks) for growth area. Plan to run a single 400w MH/HPS system with a single 180w LED light above each plant(2 total, one on each side of the 400w system). Also plan on having LED side lighting on each side of the tent, 25w per wall for 100w total. I always grow Scrog for max yield, I don't mind the wait. I run Advanced Nutrients and a nice line up of theirs. 1500 PPM CO2 always.

I would defiantly appreciate some grow tips on these two as I do have some questions of my own.
1st) I normally use 5 gallon smart pots for growing, should I increase the size?. I heard once in flowering the roots should not be restricted in order to maximize yield. What's your opinion?

2nd) At what distance should the lights be for Vegging/Flowering? I heard keeping the lights 1m from the top is best for Sativa growth. What's your opinion?

3rd) If I should indeed keep the lights 1m from the tops at what height or how long should I veg them for in 18/6 to keep them a manageable height? If 1m isn't correct please convert it for me as the distance may be different.

4th) Do Panama and Malawi grow around the same height? In terms of the growth cycle and final height. I know Sativas get big which is up to the grower to control.

5th) Since the Panama will finish first and the Malawi will still grow for 4-6 weeks, how much of that 2x2x5 empty area can I fill within that time?

6th) Other growers recommend atleast 1000w HPS in order to bring out the most of the trippy trait. How does 400w HPS and 460w LED compare to 1000w of pure HPS? Thinking I am right on par but I'd rather know for sure. What's your opinion?

7th) Nutrients schedule: Advanced Nutrients Big Bud and Overdrive. If my plant flowers for 8 weeks longer than a Indica would I give Big Bud for 4 extra weeks and Overdrive for 2 extra weeks? If not, how should I go about my feeding schedule? I still haven't been able to find a diffident answer to this.

If there is anything else I should be filled in with, please let me know. I really appreciate the tips and help. Be safe and live life everyone.


I grew the land race Malawi Gold with the red striping as a mother (I still have about 8 land race seeds woo!) in a 4x5 grow tent in a 2.5 gal DWC with a t8 for veg - in the period of three months I had to top it four times to keep it from touching the t8 bulb, which the t8 was at the ceiling of the 5 foot tent.

For the Malawi I would do any techniques you can to keep it within height of your tent, bending/topping - what have you. This baby will grow like none other in a hurry. For that reason I'm personally only ever going to run it again as an outdoor.

Another note would be to remember less is more as far as nutrients with the land race - Malawi is grown organically in nutrient poor soil, from my research they (Malawi locals) usually just amend the soil with ash for phosphorus for example. This in mind, my experience was that giving it too many nutrients was like immediately over feeding a starving person - it gave me nothing but problems. I'd recommend running it organically in soil in smart pots. You can find a good youtube video on Malawi gold by Strain hunters.

Alas, I've never run Panama so I can't help you in that regard. Hope my tips help, happy growing!


New Member
I grew the land race Malawi Gold with the red striping as a mother (I still have about 8 land race seeds woo!) in a 4x5 grow tent in a 2.5 gal DWC with a t8 for veg - in the period of three months I had to top it four times to keep it from touching the t8 bulb, which the t8 was at the ceiling of the 5 foot tent.

For the Malawi I would do any techniques you can to keep it within height of your tent, bending/topping - what have you. This baby will grow like none other in a hurry. For that reason I'm personally only ever going to run it again as an outdoor.

Another note would be to remember less is more as far as nutrients with the land race - Malawi is grown organically in nutrient poor soil, from my research they (Malawi locals) usually just amend the soil with ash for phosphorus for example. This in mind, my experience was that giving it too many nutrients was like immediately over feeding a starving person - it gave me nothing but problems. I'd recommend running it organically in soil in smart pots. You can find a good youtube video on Malawi gold by Strain hunters.

Alas, I've never run Panama so I can't help you in that regard. Hope my tips help, happy growing!
Thanks for the tips. I love topping/scrogging/lsting, I find it fun creating more out of less an will defiantly take note on the Malawi growing crazy. Is Malawi and Malawi Gold the same strain? I hear people talking about both. That is very interesting about adding ash to soil, I will certainly look more into that. Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow and Bloom A/B is PH perfect and made to be gently (when given in the right dosage) on plants. Their other produces such as Big Bud/Overdrive an others do not need to have the PH perfect technology as the Sensi Grow and Bloom controls the entire plants PH life cycle. I always start way low and work up slowly for no stress. Noted for sure though, be safe and live life everyone.


Dr King,
I'm very interested in hearing how your grow developes. I'm looking at doing some Malawi, Sugar Haze, and Mexican Sativa in the near future. Only question is how? I may try them outdoors first then indoors. I just don't have much space inside. If I do it inside I need a really good idea as to how I'm going to control the growth.

I look forward to seeing what you do with the Malawi.

Good luck!