Grow XXX seeds


Active Member
Bought them a couple of times and they have always been a disaster. Very low germ rates compared to other seed banks.


Active Member
I bought the white widow from grow XXX. germinated 3 out of 3 and vegged for 6-8 weeks under cfl and turned to flower last week. they are still small just over 12" tall but it's my first grow. using my own soil mix and plagron organic nutes and some solid advice from grow shop in Navan. i'll let you know how this tale ends, but fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
I bought the mix pack ny diesel,ww,jhere,bubblegum, & superskunk and i was well impressed all seeds germinated, i got good yeilds off all expecially the bubble gum 3 & 1/2 oz. Going to try the amnisia haze next.


Active Member
Have some lowberry on the go at the moment that failed to auto, around 8 weeks old now and quite big. However irish seed bank have been very good about it and have sent me 10 delicious seeds for free.


Active Member
i was growing bubblegum from Grow XXX, all 5 seeds germinated and growing was easy and nice. from each plat i got about 35grams, not too much but i did a loads of mistakes. Now i started next grow with Jack Herer from Grow XXX, and also Psicodelicia (Sweet Seeds) and Big Bang (Green House Seeds.Co). Jack Herer had a problems with germinating coz they took about 3 days to open, and just 4 seeds opened. Hope that will be fine with my grow. Peace
Bought NYC Diesel off GrowXXX through Irish Seed Bank. Got 4 seeds in a 5 seed pack. They all germed and I got some nice plants but then...4 seeds in a 5 seed pack. Buy at your own risk I guess, much better companies out there if you ask me.