Grow your own 2021

Not my grow but I gave my old 800w light to a friend to replace a 1000w hps as he had some heat issues, Then his tent was too cold. Instead of a heater I built the two side panels for him. 150w each Total 1100w of leds in a 5x5

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With the new lights
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Looks like a pineapple patch in there ! What you running ?

running 10 meiju quantum boards in a 5X5 1200 watts running max at about 80-85 of full power that’s about as much as they will comfortably take with C02 around
600-800ppm in a coco peat moss perlite mix.

UVB Agromax pure uv bulbs for last three weeks of flower.

Feeding synthetic and organic soluble nutrients you would buy at any large commercial nutrient supplier.
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running 10 meiju quantum boards in a 5X5 1200 watts running max at about 80-85 of full power that’s about as much as they will comfortably take with C02 around
600-800ppm in a coco peat moss perlite mix.

UVB Agromax pure uv bulbs for last three weeks of flower.

Feeding synthetic and organic soluble nutrients you would buy at any large commercial nutrient supplier.
Strain? :-)

bag seed from a medical grower and

bag seed and a few Pineapple Express from bc cannabis store

I’m a new medical grower. finding the import process annoying.

I don’t mind getting an export permit from another country not a big deal easy enough have experience in the area.

it’s waiting on health Canada that is irritating...

I have struggled with mental health almost my whole life. and cannabis is the only thing that helps me. Not only from my point of view but my families and friends. I’ve given up on pharma drugs.
Should have been growing it ages ago.

if any medical growers can help me out sourcing some legal genetics locally to tide me over I would be grateful and could reciprocate when the time comes.

peace ✌

honestly I wasn’t expecting to yield this much. I did my research and jumped in.

any guess as to how much I’m going to get off of this.
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bag seed from a medical grower and

bag seed and a few Pineapple Express from bc cannabis store

I’m a new medical grower. finding the import process annoying.

I don’t mind getting an export permit from another country not a big deal easy enough have experience in the area.

it’s waiting on health Canada that is irritating...

I have struggled with mental health almost my whole life. and cannabis is the only thing that helps me. Not only from my point of view but my families and friends. I’ve given up on pharma drugs.
Should have been growing it ages ago.

if any medical growers can help me out sourcing some legal genetics locally to tide me over I would be grateful and could reciprocate when the time comes.

peace ✌

honestly I wasn’t expecting to yield this much. I did my research and jumped in.

any guess as to how much I’m going to get off of this.

I'm going to guess 1.5-2lbs. You can get pretty near any seeds you want from Seedsman or other sites.
I'm going to guess 1.5-2lbs. You can get pretty near any seeds you want from Seedsman or other sites.
Buying within Canada makes things simpler. I've had some winners from Dr Greenthumb in the past. But his prices seem kind of high. I'm not a regular seed buyer so I really can't comment accurately about seed prices.
But can attest to a few very nice strains from him.
Buying within Canada makes things simpler. I've had some winners from Dr Greenthumb in the past. But his prices seem kind of high. I'm not a regular seed buyer so I really can't comment accurately about seed prices.
But can attest to a few very nice strains from him.
Cool! Too bad ordering from that site is a bit of a pain, looks like great strains. TrueNorthSeedbank is good too, I just ordered a bunch from there and they shipped from Canada and came quick.
The best advice for seed buying is go to the breeders Instagram page and look up their recommended vendors. You would not believe how many fake packs are out there. Also US venders are wising up to the Canadian market and their shipping has dropped for some venders to $15 US.
There is quite a few Canadian small boutique breeders/Pollen Chucker's on Instagram. I suggest making a weed only insta account
follow the hashtag #acmprCanada #acmp

Tropic Lightning - Ocean Grown Seeds Cost $100 US for a 10 pack of seeds

Day 59

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Weird I have never had a fake pack from these sites especially when ordering with breeders packaging. Is it maybe just some boutique breeders that are having seed packs faked?

Most seed selling companies would prefer to steal the genetics instead and rebrand them as their own (Seedsman?). I've personally never had a fake pack in 10K in seed purchases over time but like you say for US genetics I prefer to use recommended dealers like for Ethos for example.
Here's the latest on a pair of Blue Mystic Auto's. Near end of week 9 so I think they're closing in. Right one is a week further than left. Cut a number of yellow fan leaves off the right one the other day. Getting sticky.

