growbox planning


Active Member
well the order i made a week ago has finally been confirmed and should be shipped soon ....
220W PL-L 22000lumens
36 1,4L pots
60x60x120cm tent
i thought about going sog when i ordered but whats the best way to get the most weed out there? sog or scrog?
in a sog i could place 6 rows of 6 plants

or should i go hydro?

harvest time

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put 36 plants in there...... Cut that down to about 1/4 possibly 1/2 of what you were thinking, this way you could veg them longer and have bigger, flusher, more full plants with nicer buds. Dont squeeze 36 plants into an area that small...


Active Member
yeah but with 36 (6 rows of 6 plants) i could harvest more often lol^^
i thought about going with autoflowers first try with them was awesome but low yield and early harvest cuz i run out of smoke^^

how many AF's could fit in there?


Active Member
A perpetual SOG in 16-32 oz. containers would be a great use of the limited grow area.

I have a similar size grow area and OregonMeds recommended I read this before deciding on my grow. It is a great read and really helped me out a lot.


Active Member
i thought about going with autoflowers first try with them was awesome but low yield and early harvest cuz i run out of smoke^^

how many AF's could fit in there?

I wouldn't do an AF though.If you have access to a lot of AF seeds then great but germing enough seeds would be a bitch.

Cloning from mother would be a better option for a Perpetual SOG.


Active Member
I would get something with a short flowering period like AK48. If you have an 8 weeks of flowering then just add 6 plants (another row) every 8 days.

Do you have a veg/clone/mother area?


Active Member
nope .. thats the problem .... in summer the moms can be kept on the window/balcony but dunno where to leave them now^^


Active Member
where could i keep moms ? lol i dont think they will grow on the a male behind the window and its alive but growing 1cm in 5 days xD


Active Member
you don't need very much space for moms and clones. my veg box is only 25 x 50 x 25cm and I currently have 3 mothers and about 6 clones going at all times.