Grower Symbols


Well-Known Member
Anyone know of or ever heard of grower symbols? A friend of mine has been getting some cali grown stuff with symbols drawn on the bag after the name of the strain. I thought it was pretty interesting and was hoping to find out more, but couldnt find anything searching online. He said that it was the growers symbol. We had Orange Kush with a crescent moon and star symbol.


Active Member
I've only ever seen stamped hash from north africa, which is quite rare nowadays from what I understand cause I haven't seen it for a long time. I wouldn't mark my grow cause it would make it alot easier to trace, i'd imagine


Active Member
i like the idea of it, im just growing personally atm but if i ever went commercial i would make a logo and put it on my weed so ppl would know it was good shit and where it came from. i mean of course others could forge it bump up the price on shit weed but i still think it would be cool.


Active Member
Heres the deal... They stamp thier packages so they can basically track thier product, and get thier name out there. They got the idea from how they package heroin actually. Different stamps for different bags. Basically so you know where it came from and if it was quality shit or not. The stamp includes the name of the strain, and the growers "symbol" so you know its good when the next batch comes around that your not sure about... you know those growers had good stuff the past time so your more inclined to buy thier "product", over someone elses that you dont know about. Hope this helps, and dont be stingy with the reppin'!!! the 6 pointed star is just a click away and ill return the favor!


Well-Known Member
i like the idea of it, im just growing personally atm but if i ever went commercial i would make a logo and put it on my weed so ppl would know it was good shit and where it came from. i mean of course others could forge it bump up the price on shit weed but i still think it would be cool.
so do i.. if I was ever commercial I would use some kind of sign or nickname.

Heres the deal... They stamp thier packages so they can basically track thier product, and get thier name out there. They got the idea from how they package heroin actually. Different stamps for different bags. Basically so you know where it came from and if it was quality shit or not. The stamp includes the name of the strain, and the growers "symbol" so you know its good when the next batch comes around that your not sure about... you know those growers had good stuff the past time so your more inclined to buy thier "product", over someone elses that you dont know about. Hope this helps, and dont be stingy with the reppin'!!! the 6 pointed star is just a click away and ill return the favor!
yeah man thats pretty much what my friend said. He said he believes it comes from Mendocino County, outdoor all organic.

Lol I don't need a stamp to know if weed is good or not. Just look at it and smell it
Yeah but that doesn't tell the whole story. I always was curious of the back story to the buds I am blazing.


New Member
If you need a stamp to know if the weed is quality, then you better stop smoking you're wasting your money.


Well-Known Member
If you need a stamp to know if the weed is quality, then you better stop smoking you're wasting your money.
If you would learn to read you would of seen I am not an idiot. I can tell the quality of the weed. I want to know MORE. I want to know the back story, who grew it? where? what happened during that season weather wise? what did they use? was it organic? Thats what I think would be cool.