Growin' chillies by the scotland

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
I have a folding card table about 4'x4' so id think i could keep up to 4 going ? Id really want to grow what i can obviously but within the only toker , id hope somewhere between 4 and 6 plants maybe.Id be tempted to attempt whatever that light will handle , its the hps/mh 250w from hgs on ebay , comes with the ballest and hood and timer.Ill remember to watch for the is the 600w on power usage EP ? The mrs is of the mind itll bump the electric bill too much if i got 400w.

The card table thing..its just what i use for a level surface , its in the spare bedroom near a window with an exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
nah. mine bumps mine 10-25 dollars or so. depends on what your KWH usage is. mine is like $.04 so idk. but shouldnt change much. i have a chart somewhere ill post in a minute. but with 4-6 plants id say go with the 400-600 W. you get about .5 GPW so thatd be about 200-300 grams. or veg longer and you can improve that to around .75 GPW.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Ok , thats useful info EP , thank you.Now all i need do is talk her other question , do you use both MH and HPS bulbs or just the HPS ? I see they sell all formats and wonder if i really need the MH ? I understand it promotes veg growth but would HPS do the same thing ? 2 different spectrums..its a big outlay so i wanna get it right..ya know.


Well-Known Member
you can veg with HPS. but MH will give you nice compact bushes. i had to switch to my hps because they had gotten two compact for my taste. but more compact the better ;-) id recommend it. plus you can intermittently switch to MH in flowering. itll give you way more resinous buds. plus try and get an HPS bulb with the 30% blue spectrum added. also helps with resin :-)

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Ok , im off to do a bit of shopping , thanks for your help EP , i really appreciate it and i know the other lads on the thread here will too , cheers mate , i added rep for you , ya earned it mate , thanks.Ill update when i settle on one and get pics when its set up...gotta do it.


Active Member
Since you're thinking about getting an HPS/MH, thought I contribute some charts also that you might have seen or not that'll help you in the future,


Fullmoon kid

Active Member
That looks great EP , ill definately go for one , i just dont know which one , that one looks great.Im gonna sleep on it and buy one first thing in the morning,should get it this week that way.Thanks for the charts man , those will be very handy , ill get pics of where i intend setting up tomorrow and get some thoughts.Its an attic room with 2 windows and ive a whole room to work with.


Well-Known Member
oooh man, i could do work in a whole attic ;-) good deal. you will love that light. btw my buds on my plants are insanely dense from my HPS. like rock hard.


Active Member
think i might get a blue led for vege and get a 125 or 200 watt envirolite for flowering....or i could go with hps. But if that 90 watt spectra is as good as it looks i might just get it. But im not sure


Well-Known Member
get the HPS... i promise you will love it way more than any LED. you just dont get the light intensity and lumen concentration that you do with an HPS


Active Member
get the HPS... i promise you will love it way more than any LED. you just dont get the light intensity and lumen concentration that you do with an HPS
Yeah man but the maximum wattage I'd go with would be 250 at the most since I've got quite a small cab . Would a 150 watt be alright for a personal amount ? I'm not looking for quantity , more quality but enough to keep me going fir a while?
Cheers for the help man

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
You can grow at most 3 plants with an 150watt hps.
This is where i get stuck , can i ask might sound daft and obvious..EP has me sold on HPS/Mh and im about to pull the trigger on one , i just cant decide if i need 400w or 600w or would the 250w i initially posted a link to be ok.My question is , EP talks about dense buds...lovely , thats what im after , quality.Will a 250w give me lush dense results comparable to what a 400w or 600w might give only less quantity ? Im happy as larry to just go for 3 or 4 plants at any one time.Ive seen 175w and 150w but the thing with those is its usually just hps or mh , i havnt seen one thats switchable.Although i did see one with a single bulb that claims to do the job of hps and mh , i really need to select the right one for me , i cant afford mistakes buying my set up , thanks OhGr

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
From what ive read Daz and seen the price difference between the smaller lamps is negligable.If im not mistaken i seen 400w and 600w hps for the same price last night.Pretty sure its the 400w or 600w ill go for as im not using a cramped closet , but if 250w will get me the same results with less plants thats the one.Im the only toker in the house and being from Scotland i dont know many peeps here so i wont be selling or even mentioning my grow.