Growin' chillies by the scotland


Active Member
Lucky I guess. I need a flower room... My closet would be okay but It just get's so hot, up to 87 some times and It's not even close to being light proof. I need an Armoire or big ass card board box or something for under like 40 bucks haha. Any idea guys? I know 40 is pushing it but my next pay check don't come for two weeks. I could wait till then but I'd like to get every thing set up and tested for temps and all before I flower.


Active Member
Also, This is gonna sound really noodishh but it's not the end of the word if the bottom leaves are touching the soil, right? Cause my mutant grows like a bush.


Well-Known Member
go to a salvation army or something. you can get furniture there for cheap. well 87 isnt that bad. 85 and below is where you want to be. ive been around 84 my whole flower or so.


Active Member
Yeah, but once I get a tarp in there for the night cycle and light proof, it's gonna get a hell of a lot hotter I think.


Well-Known Member
ya thats very true. portable a/c will fix it, but will run ya about 300 bucks or so. i wanted to get one this grow, but didnt have the cash to drop 300 bucks at one time haha, i got bills to pay, and nutes to buy ;-)


Well-Known Member
well alot of times you can switch back and forth. but 23-25 degrees celsius is where you want to be. you can find convertors form C to F on the net easily


Active Member
morning guys :) 25*c here in edinburgh and its only 9:12 am, so its gonna get alot hotter :) gonna get a BBQ going today i think :)


Active Member
these legal highs are getting right on my tits, theres a new one here called NRG1 and people have already overdosed :( its more addictive than heroine apparently and its only 25p for a hit :( ill send a link. Why do people make this shit? why cant people just get the illegal drugs? they have already proven to be LESS harmless than the legal immitations:( i mean im happy with Ganj, LSD, shrooms , Salvia ( yes it's legal but its 100% natural and has been used for like 2000 years) and DMT (ocasionally).