growin in heat


Active Member
it gets kinda hot during season where i live and want to know if purple kush will do good outdoors at around 100-105 during the day. i know some strains are temp sensitive an i dont want to waste my beans. any input would be really appreciated!

:joint:stay high~



Well-Known Member
Seedlings might get shocked in very severe heat, but bigger plants just need a lot water. The warmer the weathe the more water they need ;). Simple as that.


Active Member
yea i was gonna start em inside an bring em out for flowering but do you think they will go into shock bein used to 70 then goin into 100 all the sudden?


Well-Known Member
If you can you can harden them off by bringing them out for everyday for a little while to get to know the heat. This would minimize the risk of shocking them.


Well-Known Member
or just plant the seeds outside if they acutally grow then with proper watering they can grow , it gets the same temp over here and they get watered over 2-3 days if anything the heats just made them stronger.


Active Member
Ya should be ok for you. if you do start from seed outside. if you start indoors & then move them outdoors, take them out of the direct sunlight between 12noon & 3pm for a week or so. Use small pots 1st & repot when almost root bound for bigger harvest. best of luck