Growin in party cups, can I up nute feed even though not water with much water?


Active Member
I am using party cups as of now and will keep the in here until the root structure is nice and extensive.

Advanced Nutrients:
Sensi Grow A + B ("pH Perfect")
Sensi Bloom A + B
Big Bud
Bud Candy
Ancient Earth

I am using Sunshine Advanced #4 mix it is roughly 70%peat moss and 30%coco coir. I also made the mix 2/3 sunshine and 1/3 perlite to add to the perlite in the mix for more aeration so I can feed more.

They are roughly 20 days old. I am only water roughly 0.5L of water to get some run off.

How often should I water if they are drying out every 3 days? Also, Can I up the nutrients even though I am only using about .5L of water? or Do I need to still use about 1/2 strength at that much water is only 2mL of the Sensi Grow A, 2 mL of the Sensi Grow B, and 1 mL of B-52.

I am basically wondering if the bigger they get, the more nutes I add to the .5L of water? ex: instead of 2mL of the Grow A+B, use 10mL for that amount of water (.5L) or will that throw the pH off?

I was having pH problems before but finally got a pH pen.



Well-Known Member
If they dry out every three days, then I suggest watering every three days.
As far as feeding already, some pics would help with that answer, but I would say you're either wanting to feed early, or late to transplant into bigger pots.
I would guess early in wanting to feed AND late to transplant.


Active Member
I am getting yellowing on older leaves... Heard I might need some more NItrogen.

and they are drying out in roughly a day or so.. hah
may need to transplant next watering soak them and put the stalk between 2 fingers and flip the plant gently squeeze the pot/cup check roots my thoughts are they are getting crowded as far as the yellowing goes with out picks it can be a number of things id check for things suck as mites on the older growth i once had yellowing starting from bottom to top only to figure out a week later there where mites killing the leafs i also do you have a ppm meter its worth the money i just looked at your nutes again and id up the a+b by alil seams to me alil low also how many plants are you rocking????????????


Well-Known Member
OK, watering is easy.

When they wilt, you water, or better yet, slightly more often than they wilt. You'll know when they need water just by looking at them.

As to your cocktail of nutes, let me offer up the following, just as my own opinion:

a. 20 day old plants in small cups ought to be getting big enough to the point where they are soon ready for transplantation into larger pots.

b. 20 day old plants shouldn't need much nutes, even in soilless or low soil media like your coco/perlite/moss. Adding too much is far more likely than not enough.

In fact, not only do I not think that small veg plants don't need super-sophisticated nute regimens involving 6 or 7 different products and pH measurement, I'd argue that no plant ever really needs that many products. Why make things that complicated? What possible nutritional deficiency do you think a three week old plant has? Less is more. How about you find ONE commercial product that is complete and stick to that? If you want to increase nute dose as the plant gets bigger/more mature that's a reasonable approach, I think.

c. Its normal for the bottom leaves of plants to turn yellow in growth, especially the very first ones that grew, and especially if the plant is in a tiny pot (see a, above).


Active Member
I'm not using all of those nutes, those are the ones I have to choose from to use. Also the root structure was terrible for one of them so I moved them back to party cups to try and work on that root structure. I plan on moving them back into smart pots at some point soon.

I am trying to get a good root structure down before transplanting or else the roots wont be strong enough to take up feed/water in the bigger pots.