Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

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im sure you have heard enough about being careful...but i cant stress that ne more. i know from a past personal experience. trust me, you will be quite the talk of campus if ne word gets out..and it will..its almost free weed. my roommate and i had the same great idea. order some quality seeds. plant them, and they will grow..until the whole fuckin floor smelled like they were toking up. campus police did rounds one night and came a knockin. long story short we got out clean with few casualties in a bag hidden in a car trunk(the plants not people of course=P) i recommend getting bagseed from what ever your smokin or from fellow smokers and expierament with those first till you get it down. every beginnning grower kills a few plants, no worries. but dont waste the good ones, they are often hard to come buy even online. my buddy had his confiscated and found out from U.S. customes with a nice little letter. as for the growing, i am strictly an all natural fertilizer and soil grower. dont go all out and waste $ on expencive dirt and ferts. after all, its just some fuckin dirt. for ventilation use pc fans wired to a regualr 12v wall plug (I.E cell phone charger or game counsel wall plug-in). CFl's are best for small operations, i use them quite succesfully my self. fertilizer is all up to you. what ever you wanna spend. i use all natural fish emulsions(fertilizer) from the local walmart. good ol walmart =) safe and happy growings!
fuck the haters bro, they obviously have not read through the thread, don't let it throw you off. There are a few in here who want you to suceed, and hopefully you get some confidence off that. everyone needs a boost from time to time, we got your back. Get your shit setup and run some test's so you can work out the issues before seeds arrive.
Hopefully the budda gods are good to you!:weed:
Many smart people that own thier own houses still worry about a small closet grow getting busted. And you think you have it figured out how to do it safely and without worries in a college dorm. Please share this vast store of knowledge you have on not getting caught.

P.S. You'll get busted and waste a chance at a quality education. Buy your weed. Spend all of this brainpower, time and energy on school. Not growing dope you dope.:hump:
And those people are paranoid to shit then. I've been doing small closet grows for years, my methods work, and I'm guiding my friend here. You noob, are a fuckin LOOSER for bringing hate to this thread. I have college friends who got busted for micro grows just because they were stupid, but NEVER lost their college edcuation. You do realize because you read this WHOLE THREAD, that he's doing it anyways, and your opinion here doesn't matter in the slightest. Go find somewhere else to spread your negitive bullshit.
I just read the whole thread and i gotta tell ya, fellas, i hope this works. I'm rootin for ya and will be watchin from here on out... hope them seeds come in soon!!!!
Thank you for the support here. And the strains and cycle that we're settin up, won't really cause that many smell issues till the last month.

Not being negative, just realistic. As far as mothers go. His should snatch him by the ear and woop his ass. He is wasteing his parents money, the schools time and his future,
Look at this dick's quote in his Signature, anyone else believe this guys a 2 faced hypocrite?

i recommend getting bagseed from what ever your smokin or from fellow smokers and expierament with those first till you get it down. every beginnning grower kills a few plants, no worries. but dont waste the good ones, they are often hard to come buy even online.!

I've never killed a SINGLE PLANT, not even my first time due to neglect OR over care!!! Thank You:) And my friend your talking to won't be wasting any seeds because he too, will be 100% sucessful his first time. There are enough solid ppl helpin on this thread to make it happen. Also, if this mail situation works, he's never payin for top quality seeds again.:twisted: I'm a 420 Renagade mother fucker.

fuck the haters bro, they obviously have not read through the thread, don't let it throw you off. There are a few in here who want you to suceed, and hopefully you get some confidence off that. everyone needs a boost from time to time, we got your back. Get your shit setup and run some test's so you can work out the issues before seeds arrive.
Hopefully the budda gods are good to you!:weed:
Thankyou for the support!! And i paid omage to the Queen Mary Jane herself, by smoking a lemon skunk dube as i walked a complete circle around the post office after mailing the Christmas card.

Word up on the last few posts! Finally some help, not hate!! Welcome gents!
Yay FDitty:)
He ordered 2 months ago from Nirvana seeds. Never got them. They reshipped, he got the grow starter kit, no seeds. Their reshippin again, but i dont trust them.
Sgt. Sly is sending he 20-30 fem. Lemon skunk from his own harvest. Shipped a few days ago, fingers crossed!!
So when do you expect to get this grow going? Have you guys order seeds yet?
Or bought any supplies yet?

fditty pretty much summed it all up :) i otherwise haven`t bought any gear. I have my list ready and i`ve gone around town and found a few places that sell what i need. Gonna buy it from several locations around town so to not raise any eyebrows. I won`t, however, be making any purchases untill i have seeds. I guess i`m just the "don`t count your chickens before they`re hatched" kind of guy :)
And those people are paranoid to shit then. I've been doing small closet grows for years, my methods work, and I'm guiding my friend here. You noob, are a fuckin LOOSER for bringing hate to this thread. I have college friends who got busted for micro grows just because they were stupid, but NEVER lost their college edcuation. You do realize because you read this WHOLE THREAD, that he's doing it anyways, and your opinion here doesn't matter in the slightest. Go find somewhere else to spread your negitive bullshit.
Not hate or negative. Just also trying to help someone young make the RIGHT decision. And loser is spelled like this. I see you have took advantage of a college education.
the past tense of took is taken if you wanna make this all official.
nirvana's not ripping anyone off, they have been around too long, they were the first website i ordered from so many years ago.
also, use perlite. i did a side by side comparison this time and it makes a big difference in growth speed which equals improved yeild in the end.
So have you started this grow yet?
Best of luck to you cause this seems pretty risky
If your gonna be using cfls Id recommend using some of these plugs cause there like 75 cent at home depot and you can plug like 3 of them in them power strips that have like 6 outlets and make a nice cfl light mount.Id also recommend buying some good nutes to you will notice a huge difference in bud growth.
hey andreyy i definiantly dont think you should grow in a dorm room, but if you are doing it any way you should grow your plants on 12/12 lighting from seed. the plants will stay smaller and not branch out. they will pretty much just be one big cola. people some times critisizze this method but it works. you could easily get 2 ounces off two plants with cfls. i have one ggrowing this way my self and it is only 14 inches tall, but has close to a half bag on it right now and i have it under six 18watt cfls. this will allow you to grow in a much smaller space, and the plants will be much more concielable
fditty pretty much summed it all up :) i otherwise haven`t bought any gear. I have my list ready and i`ve gone around town and found a few places that sell what i need. Gonna buy it from several locations around town so to not raise any eyebrows. I won`t, however, be making any purchases untill i have seeds. I guess i`m just the "don`t count your chickens before they`re hatched" kind of guy :)

Yeah i know what you mean, i wouldn't buy nothing either until i had some seeds.
otherwise you are holding a bunch of crap to grow with and nothing to grow.
hopfully they come soon!
hey andreyy i definiantly dont think you should grow in a dorm room, but if you are doing it any way you should grow your plants on 12/12 lighting from seed. the plants will stay smaller and not branch out. they will pretty much just be one big cola. people some times critisizze this method but it works. you could easily get 2 ounces off two plants with cfls. i have one ggrowing this way my self and it is only 14 inches tall, but has close to a half bag on it right now and i have it under six 18watt cfls. this will allow you to grow in a much smaller space, and the plants will be much more concielable

Someone give this kid a hand!

OK I'm gunna BLOW my last gasket!! Thanks for the advice kid.....or NOOB, whatever.....BUT as an etiquette thing READ SOMEONES THREAD FIRST BEFORE TOSSING OUT YOUR OPINIONS!
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