Well-Known Member
forgot to post in the last one too.. I jsut finished up my first grow, and definitely learned a lot. first of all, people will most likely find out. unless you never have friends over, which most college students do. I know i do lol.
I live in an apartment close to campus, and just finished one plant in a closet. I'm legal to grow though, so its kind of a different story. I dont sell, so the worst that would probably happen is me gettin kicked out of the apartment, and I could care less lol.
but yea everytime someone would come over, they were bound to see a bit of light coming from the closet, and most of the time the immediate response was "oh nice grow op man". its college..people will know.
and come harvest time, wooo eeeh! luckily it didnt reek up the whole apartment hallway, but my place definitely smelled nice lol. I also have pretty chill neighbors who I smoke with most of them, and I don't cause any trouble or draw attention.
might be a good idea to wait a bit til you gotta place. then you can bud out multiple plants under hps and actually get quality.
That sounds very cool, the whole setup you have. But don`t worry, the flow of people into my room is not a problem because it doesn`t exist

you guys should switch to tomatoes. im not sure if this is for you.
cool of you to say. Nice rep btw

that wardrobe/closet thing is very similar to what I used. I would try to move it as far away from the outside hallway and maybe close to a window (for ventilation and airing out the room). I had also used some small 50w hps security lights to flower along with the cfls, however I had serious heat issues. those small closets heat up fast and since the wardrobe was school property i wasn't able cut any ventilation holes.
i considered using small hps lights but dropped it exactly cause i`d knew it`d heat up the cabinet beyond what i can control
LOL my bad with the pic. Should have told everyone it wasn't real.
there, problem solved

Oh, and FDitty, i plan on using one of these things but i`m a bit apprehensive about drilling even that small hole into the cabinet. I can replace the back panel, it`s not wood, but i can`t replace a whole door :/