~!Growin With Fluros!!Must Read!!Exclusive SOG Growin'~~!!!!!


New Member
Dammit...I got jacked again!!Oh well...But just some last questions...What if I grow in a closet with a 150W HPS.....How dense will the buds get..Lets say I do a small SOG grow,with a good fat indica strain,how many grams per plant should I get??Oh yeah,Im growing in coir too!!!!


New Member
Sounds fair enough...dam this thread sure did spark some interest lol...all these replies!Im starting to really like RIU man...lets be honet tho..should I expect ATLEAST an ounce with a 150W HPS...small SOG(10 female clones)in a closet,and a good indica strain(Northern Light,Papaya...)??Also,Im growing in coco coir/perlite/coffee grounds/soil.....


Well-Known Member
Do this!

10 plants, 1 400 watt HPS (DO IT!!! I COMMAND YOU!!!), COCO COIR WITH PERLITE (thats it)

You will get yourself 8 ounces of the best high grade cannabis you have ever smoked (with out giudance of course!!!)

Im here to help you buddy, (JUST DO AS I SAY hahah) JK


New Member
Do this!

10 plants, 1 400 watt HPS (DO IT!!! I COMMAND YOU!!!), COCO COIR WITH PERLITE (thats it)

You will get yourself 8 ounces of the best high grade cannabis you have ever smoked (with out giudance of course!!!)

Im here to help you buddy, (JUST DO AS I SAY hahah) JK
And how would you direct this grow?ScRoG..SOG..?What method would best suit a small closet hobbyist?I have always liked SOG cus of the very short begging time,smaller plants,and bigger yields...


Well-Known Member
Just sog em.

Scrog is a kinda advanced technique used by growers to maximise yeild, your not ready yet for it....

But in the future I would eventually scrog the ten, and you could see upwards of 10-12 zones if your lucky!!!

But get that 400 watter!!!!


Active Member
Hey, it is possible to grow a small personal amount of good tight bud using the T5 system ...

Check this out - https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/74373-my-bubblelicious-blueberry-flowering-log.html

The HPS 400W will work amazingly and yield more and bigger bud than the 2ft 110W T5 lights can, but you will also be using more electricity [ Approx (T5 110W) 39.6 KWh vs (HPS 400W) 144 KWh per month during flowering ] and have to manage the heat.

I accepted the trade off for the benefits I get with a T5. I'm using the T5 now during veg and can hang it right over with no heat problems and it is perfect for my needs. I'm hoping that it produces similar results to what I saw on that forum.

If you were willing to do 4 - 6 clones at a time, then I would say it is possible to use a T5 system, otherwise... Go with an HPS system.
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New Member
Ok..so lets say I do order the 150W HPS light instead of the T-5....what should I veg with?I wanna go buy those cheap fluro lights from HomeDepot or something..but are they good to veg with??Are all fluro lights basically the same?...will my plants stretch due to the cheap fluro lights?!!I guess Ill just buy the HPS then,and flower 10-15plants in coco coir in a SOG setup...


Well-Known Member
Ok..so lets say I do order the 150W HPS light instead of the T-5....what should I veg with?I wanna go buy those cheap fluro lights from HomeDepot or something..but are they good to veg with??Are all fluro lights basically the same?...will my plants stretch due to the cheap fluro lights?!!I guess Ill just buy the HPS then,and flower 10-15plants in coco coir in a SOG setup...
Veg with he HPS. Add a couple of CFLs if you are worried about spectrum.
All (CFLs, T5, floro, MH, HPS flavors) bulbs work.
My 'Momma Cass' was only on 150W HPS. Seemed to veg fine.



New Member
Ok...lets cut the crap..what will veg better?The 150wHPS or some cheap fluro fixtures from HomeDepot?I want the plants to veg as fast as possible..with tight internode lenght!!Keep in mind that Im only gonna veg for like 5-10 days..so I want the light to grow them as fast in that time limit..so would they grow faster under the HOS or the fluro??


New Member
I know this..but the Fluro has better spectrum right??Ive heard vegging udner HPS causes stretching cus the light is more "orange"...so what would you guys do??Would you veg and flower under a HPS..or veg udner a few cheap fluros and then flower under the HPS??


Active Member
crazyoutlaw, If I were you, I would keep it simple. These are two options that may lead you in the right direction

Option A - Get a 250 MH/HPS system and don't have to worry about any other lighting needs. The MH is better for vegging 10 - 12 plants plants very quickly. You can then switch the bulb into the other socket and start flowering. This HPS is 33,000 lumens and you will have one heck of a yield

Pros - Simplicty at its best and adequate light for more plants

Cons - Heat

High Tech Garden Supply

Option B - Buy the 150 W HPS and buy another Florescent lighting system that will allow for T5, T8 or basic compacts. This option will probably cost you the same as Option A.

Pros - Lower electrical usage, Practically no heat on Floros and slightly lower heat with HPS 150 W.

Cons - Messing with multiple lighting systems, possibility of slightly smaller yields ( but it's more like winning a million dollars, but actually getting a check for 934,566 dollars.. Nothing to worry about )

Hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
For vegg use t8 shoplights from homedept.

For flower use a 400 watt HPS.

Thats cutting the bullshit for you. DO IT!!!


New Member
Just decide on something its not that hard of a decision. Hid sodium lights gives better intensity while a slightly worse specturm for veg and they work wonderfully for veg. But You can still run mh in a hps ballast so that takes care of your spectrum problems.
Fluros you have to switch bulbs but can get both colors of light optimally, But they lack intensity to be able to keep a rather large garden, and they lack ease because of all the moving lights constantly involved with them.

when You decide and start a journal pm me but until then Im out.


New Member
If you choose floros for veg and hps for flower you will be straight. I woudl go hps if you HAD to choose. I myself grow with a mh, so I think that is best.