Growing 12/12


Well-Known Member
How long will it take for haze to veg & flower if it is being grown 12/12 throughout the whole cycle in soil?? Also should I be feeding it Veg or Bloom nutrients? It's been a week and I figured I use half strength veg nutrients.

Replies will be greatly appreciated:clap:


Active Member
Difficult to say given all of the variables in a grow. Humor me, if you will, and tell me why you are going 12/12 all the way? What type of lighting are you using?

For starters, you may not veg very well at all given that reduced day cycles trigger the chemical signal for flowering, in addition to the presence of red spectrum light. When the lights are out, your plants stop growing, all metabolic processes cease. I think most will tell you that this is not the way to do it. Veg 24hrs under blue spectrum light with high N ferts. Flower 12/12, or some variation thereof, under red spectrum light with high P K ferts. Read the GrowFAQ and the Organics thread, good info there.


Well-Known Member
I have 400w HPS. I'm doing it this way because I read on here that you could grow weed 12/12 and it will keep the plants short.


Well-Known Member
Yea dude im doing 12/12 from seed to flower. I already had nuts in soil so im not using any. I would give it about 2-3 months for them to be done. It will basically look one one straight tall bud. You could even do 13/11 for little bit bigger buds :).


Active Member
I guess that sounds accurate, though, if you're trying to keep them short the red in HPS won't help. Red, and shorter photo periods, signifies autum to flowering plants. What I expect will happen is that the seedling will sprout up and try to flower and you'll end up with something like what Dually described. The downfall is that the plant may not produce as much or as potent as it could. If you're pressed for vertical space there are methods for binding and pruning that will let you veg them longer without getting too tall.
You could try playing with the concept that, in a grow room, you control how many hours are in a day. 24 is just happens to be the number to which we are subject. This GrowFAQ is about alternative light cycles during flowering, but the concept behind it is something I hadn't previously been exposed to. Maybe there's some combination, like 12on 6off, that will reduce nodal spacing without extending veg downtime too much. Just a thought. I'm interested in seeing how they progress if you could post pictures. I've never seen it done that way.


Well-Known Member
If you're doing 12/12 from seed you can end up with a tiny worthless plant sometimes. It's better to veg and trim or tie it down if it gets too big, or do 12/12 with larger rooted clones than to do this from seed.

You never know what you'll end up with this way. Take some clones and try normal veg with them to compare.

If you want them short with short spacing CFL's seem to win at that. CFL's really keep them short and bushy with very tight node spacing if you use them right and not too far away. Compare a few clones under CFL with normal (but short) veg times. As in two weeks of good veg growth, or longer if they're growing slowly.

Here's what can happen with 12/12 from seed... Look at the pic, you don't want this, it's already flowering and you can see it just won't yield crap:



Active Member
If you're doing 12/12 from seed you can end up with a tiny worthless plant sometimes. It's better to veg and trim or tie it down if it gets too big, or do 12/12 with larger rooted clones than to do this from seed.

You never know what you'll end up with this way. Take some clones and try normal veg with them to compare.

If you want them short with short spacing CFL's seem to win at that. CFL's really keep them short and bushy with very tight node spacing if you use them right and not too far away. Compare a few clones under CFL with normal (but short) veg times. As in two weeks of good veg growth, or longer if they're growing slowly.

Here's what can happen with 12/12 from seed... Look at the pic, you don't want this, it's already flowering and you can see it just won't yield crap:
Nail on head... I rest my case.


Well-Known Member
Its not, you should see mines. Although I am using cfls. If your that worried KidSingle let them veg for 2 weeks, then 12/12. Youll be fine. Exsperiment. Grow more than one plant because your not guarentteed a female.


Well-Known Member
Lol, that's one pathetic looking little plant! (No offense, I know you were showing that for educational purposes.)

Investigate supercropping, LST, ScroG, and FIM. Some combination of those techniques will allow you to keep the height down, but still provide plenty of yield.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't have a veg room and the lighting is already on 12/12 for the other, so I'm gonna take the chance. If I get 1 big bud that'll work, imagine growing like 20 of those lol


Well-Known Member
listen to bongulator, it is the same idea as what you said, you grow a bunch of small ones together
I do this sometimes, and it turns out well. Bunch o big colas lined up, sweet!


Active Member
As a side not I had some problems with my haze plant wanting to flower under 12/12 i had to go to 10L/14D to get it to flower. May be a isolated case though. But if you are flowering for 4 months like me and no flowers. Change it to 10/14 it may help. Also I do almost the same thing as you and the haze plants are rooted clones then go to 10/14 and they grow to the top of a 3 foot cabnet before they show flowers. They also then grow about 5 to 10 inches more while flowering. That was using 8 150w cfl. I am now using a 400w HPS. I have yet to do a full cycle with it though.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't have a veg room and the lighting is already on 12/12 for the other, so I'm gonna take the chance. If I get 1 big bud that'll work, imagine growing like 20 of those lol
ask a question and you will get a 1000 opinions, i asked about 12-12 from seed and then decided to give it a try, go for plants with big genetics, give them a good size pot and plenty of light and feed them after a couple of weeks, i have a thc bomb on 12-12 from seed, nearly finished, will let u know how turns out :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
if you grow 12/12 from seed make sure you do as many plants as you can in your space considering they will be small you should be able to fit quite a few. if your growing a sativa its gonna take longer than 12 weeks to finish. its not a bad system if you dont have a lot of vertical space. the only thing that changes is your yeild and the only way to make up for that is to have more plants. its not a waste of time ive done it once with 6 ice plants and i got 3 ounces dry off those plants. but i had room for about 15 of em. ive been turned on to this method by a guy on this fourm named atmosphere. his thread " a new way to grow 12/12 from seed " is an outstanding thread.

im pretty sure it goes all the way back to overgrow, which i miss by the way. this man can grow A GRAM PER WATT with this method. this time im running 28 seedlings and im hoping for 14-16 fems LST'd with about 7-10 ounces. soon ill be running perpetually with this system. everyone that knocks this method has never tried this method. its bad karma to try to post about what you dont know. it works great with many plants but if you only grow a few expect a low yeild and if you can try to LST. :leaf: