Growing a clone, symbiotic style, in a tree. Old Style - New Technique


This is an old style of growing along with my own twist. Growing in trees was an idea shared by many people over the years. 15 years ago is when I first though it up and tried it. No, I was not the first but I did think of it on my own. I have no reason to grow in trees anymore but still want to run the trial. I looked up a few threads about the subject to see how many people have posted results. Not too many. Most seemed to have just placed a planter or bag in a tree and pumped water to it. Decent results were observed. In the past, I've only ever used two styles. One is planting by seed or clone into the crotch of a tree. The second is like others have done and placed a planter, pail, or bag in the tree. I didn't ever return to water though. I looked for open, south facing structures high into the canopy of a tree This was in a forest on a south facing hill. The limb, branching from the crotch of choice, needed to be fairly big (to hold me) but high enough not to get shaded out from competing trees. I like beach because they are thick branched and the branching in my area typically is widely spaced. Easy to climb and often have many holes in the trunk and at crotches. If your worried about aerial viewing maybe try pines. I don't know much about that but I believe on IR the pines most closely resemble MJ. They may not be able to be hidden from IR..this I'm not sure on. The tech' may be developed enough to distinguish MJ from other vegetation. Remember though, that it is very expensive to fly IR runs. Most law only does if they get tips or have to have some up time over state lands or public places or known grow areas....My concern was more foot traffic and smell and very little if any concern there either. Once I picked my spot I made my way up the tree. I can free climb but I also use rock climbing gear to get into trees as well. If you find a crotch with a hole or even a hole on the side of the trunk your outlook is good. My first grow was a hole in the trunk directly above a branch. A dark hole that is partly moist, partly dry, and no doubt may have some bad "stuff" living inside. At 16 or 17yo I didn't even consider that. So I shoved about 1 gallon of potting soil, mixed with composted chicken manure and leaves, into the hole. Then I planted a 8" clone into it. The results were very good for bag-seed first time growing in a tree. I can't remember yield but thinking back it was prolly only4-5 OZ but never got to weight it. Smoked it before it was cured as well. Young n dumb! For not really being serious or knowing anything about growing it turned out well. I never had to water it since the tree itself provided that. I didn't feed the plant although it had leaves and chicken manure and whatever it took from the decomposing and living parts inside the hole. When I harvested the plant I could feel the roots tearing where they had actually grown into the decaying parts of the tree. I didn't have any real problems with the plant. It did get a beating from high winds and storms. I would suggest a few visits if possible to tie branches. I did have a few leaves that were fed upon by forest goblins. Not anymore than I've ever had from growing on the ground in dirt though. My attempts with a bag and a 5 gal bucket did not go so well. I tried to mix the soil with heavy water-holding soil in the bottom and a good airy top layer. They always dried out on me. So much air movement... I would have to set up a watering schedule or place a slow drip 2liter waterer up along with it. I did manage to get an OZ or two here and there from this style. I prefer the other method better. My only concern is did I get lucky by not getting an infection of some sort. I know the decaying inside of a tree must have some bad things in it. Maybe placing enough soil with good stuff in it canceled it out. Or maybe it's actually nothing to worry about..... Now for the new technique I was thinking about trying. Not for a yield but just to see if it will work. I would like to take a grow bag and place it up in a tree. I'm thinking if I find a good branch that is already dying, not dead but dying - I don't want to harm the tree, hence "already dying branch" but need it still partially alive to have a water supply other than rain. I could remove part of the bark and place the grow bag over it. I would have placed a hole in the grow bag to line up with the missing bark. Then I let the bag form over the branch and secure it. Fill with dirt and plant your lady. I have no clue what will happen. Will the tree provide enough water in between rains? Or will it just dry up. Will it create an environment that will produce or promote bacteria or fungi/mold that could harm the plant? Will the mj root under the bark and leach water and good nutrients? Is there a chemical, hormone, or some compound under the tree bark that will ill effect the MJ? I dunno I dunno.. The tree branch will probably just root into my soil bag and cause problems... Anyone is free to post thoughts and or ideas. Thanks!

For my trial I will be using a White Widow Skunk ( Great White Shark) fem clone.
My outdoor grow this year had two WWS that flowered way early. I have them reveggin'. I will take a clone from one of them when ready. It will basically be 12/12 from clone since when I get these out it'll be July. I can normally harvest as late as 1st-2nd wk of Oct here. So if weather permits I should get a small but decent yield. Something worth my efforts in doing the trial would suffice. 1-3 oz. I'm not greedy. Besides, I have girls on the ground to make up for it.
Here's pics of the WWS reveggin'.

Yes, I know, they look chit. They were started early but stayed in small pots next to tall grass for over a month when they coulda been in the ground...I dunno someone got LAZY... That whole month I was gonna put em out but then I got highbongsmilie they flowered for 3-4 weeks and have both reverted back. They will be monster cropped I guess. I'll take clones for this trial and also to put in the ground, late.. Better late than never!
I'll update pics when I cut clones.