Growing a couple hybirds i believe how do i get the most bud out of what i have?


Well-Known Member
I have 3 girls one is a runt but i believe there all some sort of hybirds one is lemon skunk i believe from bagseed i put out last month and the other 2 were from clones i believe one is vanilla kush. i have 2 that have been outdoors since may one a runt then i have the lemon which i grew inside on 24/7 for a month and a half then put it out side.

The lemon appears to have a top cola and a couple of smaller buds developing under it it is about 3ft .

The kush is at about 4ft tall and appears to have a top main cola bud and a couple of side branches with buds.

And the runt has side branchs with buds and a top but they are tiny looking i believe from less sun and the slugs really got to it so half the leafs wilted and turned brown and curled up and had holes in them so most of them are off the plant now slugs were bad this year.

So anyways the soil was reused from last year i reused mg moisture control that had vermiculite and perlite in it and topped it off with some vigro i know mg isnt the best and tends to burn plants but i reused it from last year so most of the nutes burned off i would assume i noticed i dident end up with spotted dark red stems this time the stems were mostly green slight red .

I have givin it some big bloom ff mixed with guano and molasses for water every other day or few days for the last 2 weeks so far.

What can i try to do to help my girls produce more bud.

so far the biggest one the vanilla kush appears to have a top that looks the size of a dryed gram.

I know there not done yet and the hairs are still white.

one good thing is that there are alot of white hairs and hardly any bud leaf showing so im hoping that i get nice pretty buds instead of the usual leafy airy buds.

thanks for looking


Well-Known Member
that's pretty much what I said im doing don't all of those nutes sound like npk. so im doing fine then ill just keep doing what im doing.

no need for pics my cams are shitty neways you wouldent see much . im just gonna continue to pump em with the nutes.

my thing is don't you have to water them enough so they can produce. like say it hasn't rained in 6 days should I have gave it water at 3 days without ??? im still unsure of this I mean I don't wanna not give it enough but at the same time im aware of bud rot and mold at this time that could happen so far I haven't noticed ne of that.

so just npk I don't need to cut of leaves or anything special


Well-Known Member
Watering wont give you bud rot, alot of rainning on your buds will . If you want a nice healthy plant, give her some nutrients at least once a week. If you have yellowing, bump up the nutes


Well-Known Member
Heres a couple pics like asked maybe you guys can see something this is like my 5th time two indoors 3 outdoors different strains ill never know enough.

deff not no 1lb plants I usually pull around a quarter oz to a half oz no matter indoors or outdoors. Anyways that pic is of the bigger one the other I have is the runt

