Growing ALOT of plants in a small space


Active Member
So last night I was watching that "see more buds" video and they were showin where they were growing some crazy number of mature plants, like 300, in a single bed room. Their grow was hydroponic(I think aqua mist brand tubs). any ways, my question is what's the purpose of this? I know every grow is different, and I know legally speaking your better off doing less plants but in general, which yeilds more, a few bigger spaced out plants, or a lot of plants all bunched together?
And to be clearer I'm talking total havest not per plant yeild. Thanks in advance!


A lot of plants will shave a few weeks off. Higher yield per watt but having a lot of plants like 300 is a Fed. Crime and a big no no. In all reality big plants are best form a legal stand point. Small plant are UN-American. At least that what I think the gov. Is trying to teach us. And man have I seen some real American sized plants outdoors this year!!!


Well-Known Member
So last night I was watching that "see more buds" video and they were showin where they were growing some crazy number of mature plants, like 300, in a single bed room. Their grow was hydroponic(I think aqua mist brand tubs). any ways, my question is what's the purpose of this? I know every grow is different, and I know legally speaking your better off doing less plants but in general, which yeilds more, a few bigger spaced out plants, or a lot of plants all bunched together?
And to be clearer I'm talking total havest not per plant yeild. Thanks in advance!
Think about a couple things.

Let's say you have 300 smaller plants in a setup like you described, and the goal is to net 1/2 ounce per plant leaving you with 150 ounces. Now you can achieve that same 150 ounces with say 30 plants producing 5 ounces each. Here's the advantage I see from doing the SOG style with 300 don't have to veg them for nearly as long. So your yield per grow is the same, but your turnaround is much quicker with the small plants, meaning the many small plants, over time, will yield you more as you'll be able to run more cycles.

I'm sure there's more to it than that, but that's just my simple understanding never having done anything remotely like this.