Growing and Gun Laws


Well-Known Member
So, anyone know what the law is exactly for having a medical card, growing for yourself, and owning a gun? Someone told me you cannot do both, legally. That sounds absolutely ridiculous that you have to give up the right to defend yourself if you grow a few plants for medicinal use. Seems you would need a gun more because you are at more risk of being robbed.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous. I read both of those links and many of the comments for them. The ATF is the height of hypocrisy. The sell fully automatic AKs and M16s to the drug cartels........ There was a comment from an ATF spokesman stating that the no guns did not apply to card holders. The question for new gun purchases asks if you use, or are addicted to, marijuana, even in a medical state. I think he is saying that you are not protected for the use of marijuana in a medical state, UNLESS you have a card. It also states that NO ONE has been arrested for possesion of firearms or ammo while possesing medical marijuana and that each instance will be assessed on a case by case basis. So, I think you are safe to have a gun at home, next to your plants. Just don't have a major grow with armed guards.

In my opinion alcohol+firearms is 10000000x worse than marijuana+firearms. Where's the common sense?


Well-Known Member
I hear ya man...Im a vet and have owned my 9mm for about 25yrs......Just becuase I now have some arthitis and have a mmj script doesnt mean Im givin up my firearm.

they dont ask people with other drug scripts like oxycoden, morphine, vicodin ect..... to give up thier guns...why not???

how about alcoholics who cant remeber what they did last night or have they mutipul DUIs.....they can keep thier guns....WTF
The government is full of hypocrisy. I cant own a gun because of a checkered past, but a schizophrenic in Aurora Colorado can get an assault rifle without a problem? Sounds like the government has their priorities straight!
you can own a gun you just cant have it on the address you grow at.and they dont stop you from buying one either nobody but you and your DR know your a patient


Active Member
My wife is a medical patient and I own a gun but my grow site has never been in my home. I try to keep it that way because it happens that people see ones medicine as a cash crop and try to rob ya. I own a dog and if mofo get's past her bite now ask questions later policy I will shoot anyone who threatens my home with a clear conscience. I appreciate this medicine so much if someone tried to rob my wife and I's medications and I am around I'll handle that then and there as I feel warranted. But I can say right now even though the quality of life for my wife would suffer severely without her medications I know she would suffer even more if I was in jail awaiting a hearing for shooting a man over a technically illegal crop. And don't scoff I read a couple of years ago about a guy who ended up doing 30 days waiting for his hearing to wrap up because he couldn't afford bail after he shot a man who was running off with his medications.

Bottom line: Figure out what it is worth to ya, principles I believe can be worth human lives but posessions.... ya gotta be more discerning. Consider if ya had a gun would you be able to live with the consequence of shooting someone? So I would consider a dog and a hopper of frozen paintballs to be a preferable option.

Not to undermine the principle of second amendment rights for medical use patients. Just my .02 cents again.