Growing autoflowering seeds without grow tent/room


Looking to grow for the first time using autoflowering, feminised seeds. It will just be a trial really so I was thinking of just having a plant pot in my room with a light, without any real setup (e.g grow tent/cupboard/room). Obviously the result won't be as good, but will it still be worth doing? (just as a trial run)
I have been searching the boards but can't find an answer to my question



Well-Known Member
Im growing some auto flowers in a box with 2 cfl bulbs, i'll let you know how it goes in a few weeks :)


Active Member
im in the process of germinating my autoflower seed right now and gonna put it in a tall party cup or something and put it in my 12/12 room just for the fun of it. ill keep yall updated


Active Member
I say germinate and pop it in a pot with some soil and leave in a nice sunny place, like a window sill or something.

Go for it :peace:


Well-Known Member
it depends on if you have other plants going - if so, then i would pay attention to the real girls and not waste time on the autos - i did some in full sun last year and it was nothing but a headache - some of them developed weird ruderalis traits and all of them stayed relatively small - they yielded less than one oz per plant.. also, the smoke seems harsh and burns hotter than good dense bud..


Well-Known Member
im in the process of germinating my autoflower seed right now and gonna put it in a tall party cup or something and put it in my 12/12 room just for the fun of it. ill keep yall updated
hey bro your gonna want to put that directly into the pot you want it to finish in, auto's don't take well to transplants


Well-Known Member
Looking to grow for the first time using autoflowering, feminised seeds. It will just be a trial really so I was thinking of just having a plant pot in my room with a light, without any real setup (e.g grow tent/cupboard/room). Obviously the result won't be as good, but will it still be worth doing? (just as a trial run)
I have been searching the boards but can't find an answer to my question

see my sig and you tell me if its worth doing. my babies are freakin beautiful. the fruit auto is less than a week from harvest. i did the exact same thing your looking to do and i did it with a small t5 fixture and 2 33w cfls


thanks. haven't got anything else on the go. i'm gonna go for auto northern lights and sweet seeds fast bud. anyone smoked either? apparently the fast bud is not too great but i'm just doing it for the speed really.

see my sig and you tell me if its worth doing. my babies are freakin beautiful. the fruit auto is less than a week from harvest. i did the exact same thing your looking to do and i did it with a small t5 fixture and 2 33w cfls
looks nice mate. what would you reccommend for nutrients? for soil think i will just mix 3/4 of some standard soil with 1/4 perlite. any other advice would be good too


Well-Known Member
i use general hydroponics flora nova grow and bloom for nutes. those are just basic and they will carry you all the way through, but i also add sea kelp and sugar (both bottled nutes from GH). you want a minimum of 18/6 lighting all the way through, and don't excessively prune autos i.e. topping fimming or lollipopping. so besides the obvious things like temp, or over/under watering you should be good to go