Growing big bushes, should I prune in veg?


Well-Known Member
damn.. just how many threads are there?

and how short you trying to keep your plants? Cus with 4 weeks veg they'll be under 3-4 feet. I don't know why people want to stop the stretch-- it's what forms all the nodes for bud structure.

Does bushmaster keep the stems from producing new nodes? or how does it work... I heard if you use too much it'll completely stop growing vertically, and grow horizontally instead... but then that doesn't make any sense since every part of the plant wants to grow vertically.


Well-Known Member
3-4 feet is about what I am looking for. My last run with Green Crack did a CRAZY stretch, and ended up with fluffier buds then you could ever imagine. The dankest, stickiest fluffy buds Ive ever had.
This was due to heat issues that have been corrected, so hopefully I wont even have to used this Bushmaster. I am going to wait and see how they stretch, if It doesn't get out of control I will not be using it.
I have never used Bushmaster before, but from what I have read you have it right, stops vertical growth and promotes bushiness.


If your in soil try watering only with bushmaster then once more with only bushmaster once, if you're doing hydro add it three days before u change your res...if you're aerating ur res the bushmaster may grow slimy bacteria this can be cleared with 6 drops of 35% h2o2 per gallon althought this will kill any innoculants used in the res. From my experience bushmaster doesn't really stop growth but more so brings it to a crawl, like a mother... she'll still grow but very slowy. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Planning on using the BM as a foliar spray (only a few seem they will need it.) Also bought some Hygrozyme, stopping the H202 and will start using this for a while and see how those roots look.
Here are some pics. I meant to take some before I started setting up the trellis last night, but I forgot.
They are taking off for sure though.
These are about 5-6 days into 12/12
9-26 (3).jpg9-26 (10).jpg9-26 (2).jpg9-26 (6).jpg9-26 (12).jpg9-26 (8).jpg9-26 (1).jpg9-26 (11).jpg9-26 (7).jpg9-26 (9).jpg


Well-Known Member
Those are 4x8 rectangles. This is 6 days into 12/12, This should get interesting in the next few weeks XD
9-27 (12).jpg9-27 (13).jpg