growing by powerline


Well-Known Member
theres this awesome spot i found last year, i grew 6 plants very close to a powerline 4 got eaten and 2 made it, never got busted.

i started reading and heard that choppers fly over these lines and check for plant and other interferences or something. does that mean they can spot my grow?

im planning on being stealthy and planting them very close to regular trees, making sure it still gets enough sunlight but also that it kinda blends in it with. only like 6 each spaced out but its by a power line. think it might go bad? i just wonna grow a bit for personal use.


Well-Known Member
just don't plant so it looks like a garden, in a nice neat row, bare soil circle at the base, I'd tie them down too so they don't stick out. Autoflowering strains are ideal as they finish long before the choppers, hunters and rippers are out.


yes... shitloads, like 1000's, autoflowers would be ideal for power lines. they are to small to spot (if you space them out) and are done way ahead of most everything else.

power lines have maintenance workers, often ... ALWAYS be on the top of your game if you're going to grow near them. have an excuse, and maybe some binoculars to scope it out before you come out of the woods into the open....

personally i wont grow near the main lines -- loads of electromagnetic pollution *yuck*

you ever heard of swamp growing bro? way stealthier, and you never have to water...


Besides general maintenance workers, helicopters do fly frequently over and around areas where there are clusters of high voltage transmission towers and/or electrical substations. Chances are they are examining the structures for issues and not specifically looking out for your garden, but it increases the odds of unwanted attention.


Active Member
Some of the things like workers and helicopters were pointed out but I wanted to add in that around here they will usually slash and burn (or just completely clear) the area under the lines every other year - and then during the off year just run those big industrial 'mowers' (don't know what they are called) to clear out the undergrowth...

I've found a few good areas under power lines that run through isolated park areas but was always afraid of any plants getting mowed/cut/burned and on top of that hunters use power line roads a lot to reach back areas... that's a lot of potential traffic...

I'd definitely plant in low numbers and space them out a lot - while expecting some losses due to discovery if attempting. I've been tempted to try it in the past myself but never could figure out a pattern to when they are cut/cleared.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I remember watching or reading something one time that said don't grow by power lines. i personally woudlnt do it unless your just gona leave them there and hope for the best and come around when you think they should be done


Well-Known Member
well ive never seen maintenance, done here. its in a swamp, but there are a few power towers running through it. i plan on checking weekly. but always walk my dog around the area first to make sure nobody is waiting around, etc. and if worst comes to worst and they catch me would a story like i was just walking through the woods work?? if they dont catch me with equiptment??


Well-Known Member
if worst comes to worst and they catch me would a story like i was just walking through the woods work?? if they dont catch me with equiptment??
pretty much, just don't leave anything with your fingerprints on it. They aren't going to have stakeout to try and nab anybody if it's found.


Well-Known Member
pretty much, just don't leave anything with your fingerprints on it. They aren't going to have stakeout to try and nab anybody if it's found.

yeh im not leavin anything at the spot and im just keeping it small and spaced out. tend to them only during long dry periods and ofcourse ill fertilizer them every now and then. harvesting at like 530am when the plants are just waking up cause i heard thats the best, its also a very ideal time because like nobody is out.

do plants by a lake have to be watered at all?? i dont want to have them too close incase of a flood, etc, i want to plant on hills approx 100feet~ away or less.