growing cascade hops


Well-Known Member
first time growing hops. i have a few successful brews under my belt and would love to know how and where my hops are grown. right now i have two rhizomes in a bucket for starters. up here it is still hovering around 60. and i mean hovering! give or take 10 degrees Fahrenheit any day. any other hop heads out there??


Well-Known Member
Hop head here.
Just last year I started growing a centenial hop plant for the first time.
I planted it last year in June, but it didn't do nothing and thought it died.
This year it came back in early spring and looks like it will produce something this year.

Just make sure to plant the rhizome about 2 feet deep & they like a more sandy ( light ) soil, not high in clay.
I've never home brewed, but just might this year, if I get a harvest from my centenial.