Growing do you find it stressful?


Well-Known Member
But what about all the work. What happens if 2 trimmers back out? Thats got to be a little stressful. Would think that that does happen. What is a commercial grow anyways? Like is there a set amount, or a set place that you have to be at doing it?
That's why I do seeds and clones. But a greenhouse pulls some weight. Only way to go.


Well-Known Member
the only stressful times for me is when i'm growing something extremely loud, like chem, holy crap, last few weeks of flower i'm just like is this stink going to go away anytime soon, jesus, but other than that, love it..
The plants I have now are overpowering my filter set up the last few days and it's cold as fuck outside -15 celsius which usually knocks the nose out a touch for smell. Luckily my hood isn't super busy and it's new so I'm not too concerned.
I'm sure we all get discouraged from time to time we all make mistakes but we learn. My friend gets depressed if something doesn't go right and has anxiety attacks. I told him not to let it bother him so much.


Well-Known Member
What an awesome life growing experience for you and your plants. You learn such much as a newbie and get to use a lot of math, chemistry and other science related things from high school and college. You become an expert plumber, electrical technician, botanist. You get to master patients, see what happens when you put effort into something. Growing pot is great.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I really can't think of anything stressful about it. It's one of the most fun things in my whole life; I purely love growing. I learn something new every day, and every day they change and fill out a bit and get a little prettier.

And no matter how badly something may get fucked up, you always have another harvest in just a couple of months, right? Every day's a new day.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The law :o. I was never one to shy away from hard work, but going into the grow was stressful, even though it was as risk free as any could be. I was dealing with numbers that would have made the paper lol. Wife, kids, lots to lose but the rewards were huge. Retired now and just a hobby grower so yup way less stressful, my shed is my oasis :). There were many things that lead to stress, transporting, trimming, storing, selling, they all lead to premature graying, but wouldn't have traded it for the world and it led to a very stress free life after it was over. 9-11, an explosion of small growops, technology all led to it ending which was a good thing seeing a how I made it out basically unscathed other than travelling to the US has been hampered lol.
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