Growing for a Dispensary????


Well-Known Member
hello i have been asked to help a Dispensary out and help them grow what a great job dont u think haha what u think of that and what would u do if you had the choice to grow for a medical Dispensary???


Well-Known Member
really no one has anything to say? just wanna see how you growers would respond to a job like that ?


Well-Known Member
well i havent discussed money but i will get a medical card and some of the grow ..

was just aasked if i can grow with them


Active Member
i couldn't even imagine that job. i'd probably do it for the least amount of money. i've heard they get hella bucks though.


Active Member
I supply a dispensary. I have mixed feelings about them (dispensaries).
They claim non profit, so explain to me how selling 1/8's for up to $80 is non profit? That's above and beyond street value!

I get irritated at how much they mark up the medicine. How do they expect us patients to afford it? For example. If I provide them a P for $4k and they turn around and offer it for $20/g = $9080!!! That's a pretty big profit margin. I understand that there is overhead, but multiply that by several P's and that's some serious coin.

I am however glad that they are available for patients that don't have "hook ups" and others that just don't want to find it out on the street.


I supply a dispensary. I have mixed feelings about them (dispensaries).
They claim non profit, so explain to me how selling 1/8's for up to $80 is non profit? That's above and beyond street value!

I get irritated at how much they mark up the medicine. How do they expect us patients to afford it? For example. If I provide them a P for $4k and they turn around and offer it for $20/g = $9080!!! That's a pretty big profit margin. I understand that there is overhead, but multiply that by several P's and that's some serious coin.

I am however glad that they are available for patients that don't have "hook ups" and others that just don't want to find it out on the street.
you get 4k per pound at a dispensary? that's pretty good, i wouldn't complain. I have heard of dispensaries paying almost half that (($2500/lb) in places where there is a lot of supply.


Junior Creatologist
man, fuck growing for a dispensery. I wish i lived in Cali or another compassionate state. I would open my own dispensery man. Im semi disabled from an accident i was in a few years back (some type of illegal transfer of money gone bad - was almost killed. Run over twice with a chrystler pacifica), and i most definitely would qualify for a medical card.

I have the means to get aloan to rent out space, n with my card, i would then start growin copious amounts of grass in the backroom. Do it up like they do in A-dam. Cut your overhead in half. Wouldnt have to come out of pocket for rent ever again. N are all of the compassion dispenseries non-profit?? thats kind of hard to believe...


Active Member
you get 4k per pound at a dispensary? that's pretty good, i wouldn't complain. I have heard of dispensaries paying almost half that (($2500/lb) in places where there is a lot of supply.
4k for the indoor.
harvest season is upon us. expect to get low balled for 2k for outdoor this time of year whereas just a few months ago that same outdoor bud would be 3k


Well-Known Member
Call me greedy, but anything less than 200 per ounce just isn't worth my effort. I just finished my first indoor grow and the shit took a lot of work. Each subsequent grow will no doubt be easier, but it seems to me that some of the dispensaries are getting a little scandelous. The one I usually get my stuff from is now selling certain strains at 85-90 bucks. No way are you going to tell me that they're not making out like bandits.


Well-Known Member
Yea some Clubs are shady and rip people off, like 80 and 1/8 and ridiciouls Oz prices, but there are some who sell like top of the lne kush for only 45 a 1/8, but personally to me, any thing over 60 1/8 or 350 a Oz. is a rip off even its its 5 buccs over, forget it :roll:


Well-Known Member
yeah i whould do it on the side...fuck geting lowballed you have take care of biss-ness...and get ur money...but it sounds like fun were do i sign up???