Growing for insomnia? - help me fix my life


Hi guys, I'm getting ready to start my first serious grow and I want to address the primary reason I wanted an mmj license: insomnia. I have it, and its baaaaaad. Its completely ruining my life. I've heard of bud that is supposed to almost knock people out, but I've never had anything like that, so I want to grow my own. I do have a VERY high tolerance though so maybe this isn't possible for me?

From what I know already I think I should focus on growing a potent indica and let it get really mature, but beyond that I don't really know what I should be aware of in terms of sleepiness effect. Any tips you can give me on growing something that will put me down for the night would be GREATLY appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Skunk 1#, Black Domina, Butterscotch Hawiian, Trainwreck, Afgani, William's Wonder, and my fav Blueberry. - Are all tested medical strains for insomnia !
Something I suffer from :( - I use Skunk #1 and get results. I suffer also from 2 crushed vertebrae and back muscle spasms. Which The SK#1 helps. And allows me 5-8 hrs of sleep


I guess I mainly would like to know if what I'm trying to do is even possible.

I've been smoking the best of what I've been able to find (in CO) since high school, and I haven't really discovered anything that will knock me on my ass. It will knock other people on their ass, but not me. When I got my card I didn't find anything in dispensaries that I had never seen on the street, but I have not tried many.

I'm at the point where I wonder if the whole idea of one-hitter bud is a myth. I am seriously considering abandoning buds altogether and going to hash oil, or even something entirely different for insomnia. I've been down the opiate road and don't want to go back. Tried ambien, didn't work. If there is something green and sticky that will help me I'd love to know that t is out there.

BTW eza, at least a couple of those are 100% sativa right?


Well-Known Member
Yep some pure sativa, the rest a dominant in Sativa.

Have you got a Vapouriser yet ?


Well-Known Member
Check this shit out!!!

50% ? :shock:

I'm dying to hear from somebody who has tried this stuff. Anybody?
WTF ?????
This shit gets up my nose ! Here is what they state
Plant height: Short, Wide and FAT BudsTHC level %: 50%Flowering times: 40-46 Days (stronger wattage, shorter times)Yield: 980g/m2Grows: Indoors, Outdoors, Greenhouse (great SOG)Strain Genetics: 100% Indica

What the F#@k kind of measurement is 50% ????????????????????
50% of what ??????????????????????????????????????????????? IMO unlikely for a sativa, let alone a indica!!!!!

I do not like alot of seed banks , and BC SEEDS are on that list.


WTF jawbrodt? Post some stupid off-topic nonsense? Why this thread?

Both of you have too many posts to believe that ad anyway damn


Well-Known Member
Go for a medical strain like one that greenhouse do it is called a.m.s this stuff has always had a true knock out effect on any one that i have smoked it with.You realy could do with going on you tube and posting a post to jason wilcox this guy realy knows his shit when it comes to medical grades.Just punch his name onto the you tube page and he will help you out he's a good guy and willing to help any one...............................tyke..............................................................


Well-Known Member
Yes eza I have a couple of vapes why do you ask?
Only because the process of consumption for medical use is a bid factor.

Its time for you to move to some edibles, with High THC content low CBD.
If you can get oil or medical grade hash onto your vap !

If not you are going to be and expensive patient ! As i am sure you are aware of what it takes to make MEDICAL grade edibles.

Are you in state where there is legal medical patients ?


Well-Known Member
Go for a medical strain like one that greenhouse do it is called a.m.s this stuff has always had a true knock out effect on any one that i have smoked it with.You realy could do with going on you tube and posting a post to jason wilcox this guy realy knows his shit when it comes to medical grades.Just punch his name onto the you tube page and he will help you out he's a good guy and willing to help any one...............................tyke..............................................................
Anti Mold System aka A.M.S, IS NOT WHAT they make it out to be ! We got fem seeds form Pick N Mix, they get through Green house, and it wasn't great ! I say stick with what has the most testimonials !


Yes I am in CO and I am legal.
I have thought about hash oil, never tried it though. Never knew anybody who sold/bought it regularly before I got my card.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am in CO and I am legal.
I have thought about hash oil, never tried it though. Never knew anybody who sold/bought it regularly before I got my card.
IMO, you need to move on from normal practise, and get into some of the amazing medical edibles, and oils then !!! And use medical grade hash as a mix for the oil :) (creating a paste)


Yeah possibly, I have thought about that.

Herb during the day for a light buzz/oil to go to sleep.
I prefer fresh, but I'll do it if I have to.


Well-Known Member
sleeping is crucial you know that ! I do anything for a good night sleep , probably give my left testicle to "sleep in" again :)

past times

Well-Known Member
i don't think anyone has mentioned this strain but i use It has a spicy taste that i like to add to other stuff but when used alone it is pretty potent stuff. I think is advertised as a sleep aid on some other sites. Hope this helps. Have you tried other remedies as well/ perhaps some type of meditation to relax yourself as you are laying in bed.


Well-Known Member
I guess I mainly would like to know if what I'm trying to do is even possible.

I've been smoking the best of what I've been able to find (in CO) since high school, and I haven't really discovered anything that will knock me on my ass. It will knock other people on their ass, but not me. When I got my card I didn't find anything in dispensaries that I had never seen on the street, but I have not tried many.

I'm at the point where I wonder if the whole idea of one-hitter bud is a myth. I am seriously considering abandoning buds altogether and going to hash oil, or even something entirely different for insomnia. I've been down the opiate road and don't want to go back. Tried ambien, didn't work. If there is something green and sticky that will help me I'd love to know that t is out there.

BTW eza, at least a couple of those are 100% sativa right?

Hey bro, yeah. Your on the right path man. There are all kinds of different strains of bud that you can grow.. that are GREAT for your condition. They have strains for all kinds of ailments.

Cancer (all different types of cancer too)

Just trust us..

theres a list some where... i forget where but someone around here will probable know where its at or they might even have it downloaded.. but the list describes all KINDS of different MJ strains.. and then across from the named strain.. it will have a description of what that strain is grown for... again.. such as (Anxiety; cancers; insomnia [you]; hypertension... etc.

So keep doing what your doing.. and just find the strain thats best for you.. one that will possibly rid you of your insomnia... and let you get some sleep.

You should also try smoking a joint (or a couple of bowls) which ever you enjoy the most.. but try smoking about an hour or so before you actually try and lay down.. and see if that helps you any.

Good luck man...!!!

Wish ya the best with your insomnia! :bigjoint:

P.S.; I have really bad anxiety.. but I was prescribed Xanex bars for my anxiety.. those things will knock you out.. and you'll sleep like a little baby. I know I do when I take one.. or even half a bar.. I'm out for the night and I know I'm going to feel refreshed in the morning.

But some times.. if I don't want to take a xanax bar...??? I'll just smoke on some Blue Dream buds (or something similar) and go lay down in bed.. turn on the tv.. and before I know it I'm asleep and morning has already arrived and I slept great.
