Growing from a stalk?

Stoned Crab

Active Member
My friend harvested his crop a few weeks ago. He chopped them right at the base of the stem, leaving the roots alone and about 2-3in of stem sticking out of the ground. They have been sitting outside since, and we've had some cold days(canada) I brought them inside and they where all mushy and such at the end. Im guessing it was what the plant leaked out after cutting. Anyway, The stems look fine, still very firm. I put them under a few lights in my house, is there any hope of them sprouting anything?

They had been in complete darkness for about a week aswell.


Stoned Crab

Active Member
Aww Well, Im germinating a few seeds now, just wondering if there was any hope for these. Thanks for the Help :D


Well-Known Member
If you'd left a node, and the stalk wasn't already loose (mushy/water issue) then you'd have a chance new growth might appear. Once the "skin" of the stalk gets loose, fuggitaboudit.

Stoned Crab

Active Member
None of the skin is loose, and on one of them there are a few stems coming from the stalk. But I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip


Well-Known Member
Well, that being the case (new growth) I'd keep 24 hour light on it and be very careful about watering. Remember, the root system was developed by a mature plant, so now, with sparse veg, it won't need water much until it's well under way.
Good luck with this re-veg attempt.