Growing Growing Growing

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I had to do 3 little girls in light deprivation so that I would have something to smoke on a couple months early :lol:


Well-Known Member
hmmm, purple crack, where have I seen that strain? hmmm, only in one place... I wonder if it's the same? I'm curious about yer GSC, I have one also I'm not sure about - I picked up 2 clones that were supposed to both be GSC but they looked sooooo different - I suppose 2 phenos could do this but I think mislabeling was the culprit. anyway, I went with the stouter, indica-er looking of the two - at any rate having never seen the end product I'm running blind here. glad to see yer a fan of the lavender too, mmmm so tasty


Well-Known Member
Hey bro got to say you got a nice garden!! Do you got pics of your Wonder Woman from Nirvana I have her outdoors as well and want to compare them...
Did you get the fems or the regulars?


New Member
Monster plants come from Feb start. Me here in Cali. Did two in the ground one clone, one seed. Bear (Hybrid HushxBlueberry) is the seedling and is pushing the 14 foot mark. Other is a Blue Dream clone and its pushing 12 foot. My locked outdoor cage is 10x10x10 to keep the honest man honest. Did not stop the plants from going through the roof, and I topped them many times, big bushy girls, starting to smell sweet.

Start them early if you can.
2013-07-25 BD-Bear.jpg

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Monster plants come from Feb start. Me here in Cali. Did two in the ground one clone, one seed. Bear (Hybrid HushxBlueberry) is the seedling and is pushing the 14 foot mark. Other is a Blue Dream clone and its pushing 12 foot. My locked outdoor cage is 10x10x10 to keep the honest man honest. Did not stop the plants from going through the roof, and I topped them many times, big bushy girls, starting to smell sweet.

Start them early if you can.
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For sure man I am greenhouse starting all 24 next year. (beginning of my thread) That way I can work in the shade half the summer :) Looking beautiful

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Purple Crack on feeding day :) She is a nutrient hungry bitch. Netting project is looming on my to do list. It's a hard life LOL.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Screenshot_2013-07-28-11-14-25.jpg My big "Mystery" plant turns out to be Chernobyl. She is almost 7 feet tall by 8.5 feet wide. If she yields well I will keep a mother.