I currently have a 3800 (2x1kw, 3x600w) watt plus some t5 arrays out of a 2 bedroom apartment. I stay in accordance with my limits rigidly. In my lease it does have a clause in there for eviction for breaking laws, and does not differentiate between state or federal. I have been growing here for more than a year with one bedroom dedicated to it, with a few tents. The management/maintenance know, and I also had police over to check to see if I was a card holder. Apart from that happening a few months ago I have yet to have an issue, but I also never brought it up to the management either, or told them I was growing. I believe they just choose to look the other way when it comes to the styrofoam in the window with a 6" and 4" hole, because they are not at full capacity here, and me and my girl are very quiet and private tenants. I have always operated under the assumption that I could get evicted effective immediately, and have an emergency move plans worked out. If you do plan on growing in a rental without your landlord knowing beforehand I would suggest that you take all conceivable precautions to stealth it, and having $3000+ banked in case you have to move quickly.
Edited to add:
Also, respect your landlord's property. Don't go tearing shit up and giving growers a bad name.