Growing in a tree!.....?


Active Member
So Im thinking about growing in the top of a tree. My nay sayer partner in crime says that its too much wrok just plant on the ground, but Im optimistic. It would get a lot of sunlight If put in the right spot, and you wouldnt have to go miles out (though I would just have one in a tree and a guerilla spot).

Any thoughts, experiences, journals even...



So Im thinking about growing in the top of a tree. My nay sayer partner in crime says that its too much wrok just plant on the ground, but Im optimistic. It would get a lot of sunlight If put in the right spot, and you wouldnt have to go miles out (though I would just have one in a tree and a guerilla spot).

Any thoughts, experiences, journals even...

Yep, it can definitely be done! Grab a pot, fill it with soil and then strap it up high in a tree.

OR grab a grow bag, fill it with soil, and strap it to a tree.

Shittiest part thing would be feeding it.. having to climb a tree every time just to water/nute it.

I'm doing a couple of these this year, I'll tell you how it goes!


Well-Known Member
I've thought about doing this. I found 2 problems with the idea: 1. It is not stealth at all. 2. you'll need a ladder to tend to your plants. Otherwise it'll suck climbing a tree while holding a watering can. Nevermind, testing PH, nutes, transplanting, ect.

Howeever, if you can get around these problems, growing in a tree would be AMAZING


Well-Known Member
there is a grow log around here, some wild man did a grow up in a pine tree
it did work, he did get a good crop
pretty crazy thread, one time a plant falls 75 feet to the ground
so it can be done, but pretty risky deal
i had thought about this with a more mechanical approach
use bow and arrow to put a line over a branch, use that to pull up rope
build some kind of grow cage that could be tightened up with out climbing
never convinced myself it would be worth the effort, might work in right situation

violator kush

Active Member
yea i've read that post with the wildman and it was pretty cool, bow and arrow thing priseless lol, till u get hit in the head, but i've thought up a system to pump water to the plant without climbing it, of just take a portable winch and tie it to the tree once,then some how have a remote control to let your plants up and down, but then again u can just dig a hole...


Well-Known Member
yea i've read that post with the wildman and it was pretty cool, bow and arrow thing priseless lol, till u get hit in the head, but i've thought up a system to pump water to the plant without climbing it, of just take a portable winch and tie it to the tree once,then some how have a remote control to let your plants up and down, but then again u can just dig a hole...
yeah, it's about how bad you need stealth
where i live, there's not much for open fields, but a shit load of pine trees
not sure how detectable a plant would be in a pine tree, should blend pretty well
and it does get your plant away from a lot of pests, deer, woodchucks, probably not too many bugs up there


Well-Known Member
this is what im planning on doing.

im going to put 3-5 gal pots on platforms in trees. ill either nail the pot to the platform or strap it with bungie cords. to avoid having to climb trees with buckets of water and ive thought up a feeding system; ill take a 2ltr bottle (camoflaged of course) and have a hose running from the bottle to the soil. it will work like a bigger more ghetto version of an aquaglobe. im still trying to figure out how im going to climb a tree with a plant. im thinking about making a container so i can put it in a backpack while i climb


Well-Known Member
this is what im planning on doing.

im going to put 3-5 gal pots on platforms in trees. ill either nail the pot to the platform or strap it with bungie cords. to avoid having to climb trees with buckets of water and ive thought up a feeding system; ill take a 2ltr bottle (camoflaged of course) and have a hose running from the bottle to the soil. it will work like a bigger more ghetto version of an aquaglobe. im still trying to figure out how im going to climb a tree with a plant. im thinking about making a container so i can put it in a backpack while i climb
i have one suggestion on this, you don't want extra weight when climbing, throws off your center of gravity
tie a line to a rope that goes to a 'lift cage', or something like it
get to your spot and haul up your plant/pot

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Trees usually pass rain water underneath the branches and down the tree. If you could somehow set something up around the trunk to divert some of the runoff into a reservoir you could gravity feed it on slow release.


Active Member
just a thought for almost every "I don't know how" post in this thread... have any of you ever considered using a rope???

climb up with the rope tied to you and whatever you want to pull up... then when you get up pull it up... don't climb with everything in your hands... that's stupid


Active Member
just have a hose running up the tree and into the bucket. you could put a mechanical water pump (available at almost any auto parts store for siphoning gas) at the bottom of the tree so you can just water/feed it from the ground. it will be quicker time to feed/water and no risky climbing...


Active Member
just a thought for almost every "I don't know how" post in this thread... have any of you ever considered using a rope???

climb up with the rope tied to you and whatever you want to pull up... then when you get up pull it up... don't climb with everything in your hands... that's stupid
Ha nice.

Man thanks yall, I didnt think Id get this many replies but shit, I guess this is a good idea. Pine trees do emit heat like pot, so If planted under a little foliage it wouldnt get found by heli's, but if not hidden its like a finding sprinkles on ice cream.
But I guess that defeats the, "would get a lot of light," point....

I dont know where Ima do this though, on scale on 1-10, how stealthy this is, 1 being in your front yard obvious, 10 is your current guerilla spot.


Well-Known Member
if well done, i'd call it a 10 for stealth, but a 9 for 'risk of death or injury'
if you climbing on a regular basis, there's risk a plenty
but if you're in a forest where the view is blocked, you gotta think the main risk would be copters
and i don't think they're looking for crazy men planting in the top of trees too closely
but who knows? if this catches on, it could be the next big thing, and they'll start scoping out forests too
not for a while though

growman 5000

couldnt you get a bucket and a pump and a long metal pipe with a U turn on the end, and then just stay down on the ground, and water it that way?

I guess youd still have to climb the tree to get ph readings from the soil tho

tough gig


Active Member
couldnt you get a bucket and a pump and a long metal pipe with a U turn on the end, and then just stay down on the ground, and water it that way?

I guess youd still have to climb the tree to get ph readings from the soil tho

tough gig
Forget the pump, Id just blow the water up there, haha.

Im mainly starting to think about this because I simply love to climb trees. yes there will be the danger and all, but whats pain without gain?

Copters will scare the shit outta me, even if I see them across town....but one plant is a LITTLE bit of an easy thing to maybe lose for an experiment.

Also, Ill probably do it a little more this season, but I never really fucked with pH, nutrients, or even good soil last year, so I wont overly stress about much, I just love growin pot


Well-Known Member
Forget the pump, Id just blow the water up there, haha.

Im mainly starting to think about this because I simply love to climb trees. yes there will be the danger and all, but whats pain without gain?

Copters will scare the shit outta me, even if I see them across town....but one plant is a LITTLE bit of an easy thing to maybe lose for an experiment.

Also, Ill probably do it a little more this season, but I never really fucked with pH, nutrients, or even good soil last year, so I wont overly stress about much, I just love growin pot
sounds like you got the bug, looks like a grow
back in the day, i probably would have tried it too, just never occurred to me
if you do, post a link and some pics, been a while since we've seen a tree grow
they are cool, you'll get a lot of fans watching

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
yeah i was thinking about tryen the same thing being im a tree climber i already have all the ropes and gear for climbing and am comfortable working in a tree being i been doing it sence 91. i tried the globe aproach tho with some spray painted milk jugs and fish tank air tubing it didnt work worth a shit tho imo. my next idea was the water jugs with the spout at the bottom and a place called harbor frieght has a batery op garden hose timer and rig that into a drip system that just might to it spray paint the jug green hell maybe even rig up a small green tarp in the canopy to replenish ur jug