Growing in an RV

Many rural areas frown on a trailer on property (occupied) and it tends to draw attention depending on the location
LMAO! A large percentage of people live in trailers and RV's on private property here. Nothing suspicious. Just discriminated against by wannabe Yuppies. The nosey part is true though. Country folk are more aware of their surroundings. And like it that way. Smell and temp control would be your biggest concerns. Good luck. Hope the building comes soon for you. Not having to look at the neighbors is priceless.
Possibly a seacan insulated and turned into a sealed room with proper AC,Dehu, etc... I've got a sea can thats turned into a grow room that will handle part of my crop, It's a longer term investment but I think they're great platforms for construction and the interior left intact lends itself to many options and easy cleaning. But yeah, you're likely going to require 30A+ of power if you're cooling 2 x 1k lights, the AC load and whatever pumps,fans etc... As mentioned above go window AC in the RV, you could gut it an run poly everywhere. I WOULD NOT USE THE RV ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. Imo most RV's are built like shit and you're asking for a fire loading it up like that.

Great reply. My understanding is the electric company will put up a 110V Hookup post outside near the RV, then 50AMP to the RV. Will this be fine in your opinion? The electrical side is my least knowledgeable area.
What?? No plenty of places..hell im in MA and you can buy 40 and I’m only 1.5 hrs away from Boston. Most of this county isn’t cities...If it’s bad soil your talking... huge fabric pots. Might have to water em. Unless it’s the desert or the Arctic there should be season. Hell ak beanbrains does outdoors.
Even empty lots within 1.5 hrs of boston cost a pretty penny. On the north shore we see tiny lots going for hundreds of thousands
Even empty lots within 1.5 hrs of boston cost a pretty penny. On the north shore we see tiny lots going for hundreds of thousands
I’m near NH border out by Fitchburg. We are on the edge of civilization. I’m not talking north or south of Boston...that’s all dense towns. People on north and south shore spit and hit their neighbors house. But that isn’t indicative of most of the country.
Great reply. My understanding is the electric company will put up a 110V Hookup post outside near the RV, then 50AMP to the RV. Will this be fine in your opinion? The electrical side is my least knowledgeable area.
Yeah, if I were the OP, I'd tell the power company I want 100A for the house and a separate 50A service for a big RV. Keeping in mind that 50A of 240V is a decent amount of power, as well it'll cost more because of increased wire and breaker/ disconnect sizing.
I was planning a 4x8. Land has a well, power boxes, and septic is being dug soon. It's 40 acres and the RV/eventual house it almost directly in the middle. People snoop but you would have to be really snooping to be up there. I already have a shooting range there and fire off hundreds of rounds a week. I would surprised to see anyone. Gated at the bottom as well.

Instead of 2 -1000W in that 4x8 get 2-600W, mount them back to back and run them on a Light Rail®. The rail only uses 9W and using Hortilux bulbs I figured I'd get 50% more light for 20% more power. I got everything but the 4x8 space to set it up in. Could have bought a used one with 3' rail for $100 when I bought a used MH/HPS 1000W mag ballast but passed it up. I have a new one, was new, with 6'6" rail for about $300. Made in the USA too!

Less heat as well.

I don't think you bring up some red flags, so don't worry about that, just be careful, the neighbors really could be sniffing, I had a land where I was just planting some vegetables and anyway my neighbors were really interested about my garden
Put the 10 plants outdoors and don’t fuck with the RV. Just get a strain that suits the season. I live in Ontario and while I don’t do a lot any more. I made a pretty good living from growing outdoors. Never once planted in the ground, always bags or pots, and grew upwards of 500 plants a few times back in the day. Thankfully I’m semi retired now, it was a shit ton of work lol.
I don't think you bring up some red flags, so don't worry about that, just be careful, the neighbors really could be sniffing, I had a land where I was just planting some vegetables and anyway my neighbors were really interested about my garden
Anyway, if you are worried about the red flags, my advice for you is to move some plants inside. I know it can be hard, but I've done so there would be fewer suspicions. I did it by myself, I have some really curious neighbors, who can see everything you are doing from everywhere, and eventually i moved some of my plants for growing indoor. My advice is to get a stealth growbox, it gives the effect of growing outside to the pot. After getting this grow box, I was more calm about the fact that someone could give attention to my "hobby" and bring it up to someone else