Growing In/Around Wetlands


Active Member
hey so im wondering if anyone has done a grow in a wetlands area? i know its not ideal, and flooding is gonna be a concern but its more or less all i have to work with. there is a decent amount of highish ground but im also thinking about planting some (bagseed) in the wetlands area. the plants growing in the mud are easily 7-8 times the size of the same plants growing on the forest floor... plus there arnt many trees in the wetlands so theres a lot of direct sun. anyway if anyone has done something similar i'd love to hear about it.
also the soil here looks black like compost and tested "high" on the lowes NPK test kit. so im not gonna bring in anything unless something changes while im diggin the holes.


Active Member
hey i planted 4 clones out in kinda wetlands/boggy soil. very very dark and moist, 1 hole was actually a little too wet, but im hoping it'll pay off in the hot dry summer. we'll see

generally the soil is like decomposed wood or root fibers, it might be a liitle acidic (low PH) and adding a little dolomitic lime / limestone to ur water or soil will stabalize the PH, dont go overboard tho maybe a teaspoon or 2 a gallon. you could get a little PH test kit from wally world or something
but it will also add calcium/magnesium i think .
i know im not much help LOL


Active Member
no thanks for replying... im trying to get as much info as i can and hopefully help some people out in the process. hopefully the boggy area keeps the plant well hydrated throughout the summer.. im really concerned about a flood tho. also... does your area have a ton of huge ass wild grasses? i do so not making a obvious trail is gonna be a little bit of a challenge but i can work it out.


Active Member
also what are you growing? my original plan was to order bigbudxNL but i had a ton of bagseed and i have never grown reg seeds (only fem) i wanted to do the whole breeding thing and get bud and also a seed crop for next year. so i have a bunch of different kush and diesel strains as well as some bagseed i got from this crazy purple weed i bought in jamacia. im kinda late putting the plants out as i just germed the seeds today, but there has been a ton of rain and cold nights and ive been busy at work, but its getting done... slowly lol.

Mort Fink

New Member
Put them in big 5 gallon pots so you can regulate the NPK and put in whatever soil you want. If you raise them off the ground, for instance tie them in a tree or prop them up on a rock pile then they wont get waterlogged and you can somewhat control the moisture besides rain of course besides.


Active Member
i thought about that... honestly i think 5 gal is way too small, in direct sun mid summer that bucket is gonna dry out very quickly no? i'm thinking every other day it might need water, and i' hiking to my location. but i do like being able to use my own soil + nutes.
mijola - do you feel like some of your holes were just soupy messes at the bottom? im worried that if i dig a hole now and it looks good and firm now, groundwater will rise at some point and kill all the roots. idk im condisering half burying a bucket in the wetlands with with some kind of wicking setup so the soil is always kind of moist... i think a hole in the bucket would let in too much water but a wick would work well... im gonna have to make something today.

Mort Fink

New Member
Good luck man. Try a mixture of both, why the hell not. Do everything, plants in trees, plants on rocks, plants in straight wetlands soil, plants in buckets then in the wetlands soil. Try any and everything, the outdoors are vast go nuts!