Growing In Canada-Ontario


Hey Everyone.
I am planning on growing around 100 Clones this summer.
I have grown in Ontario before with somewhat scattered results. Last summer i put 30 seeds in ground of early mistyand afghan. Only about 10 plants fully grew probably half male, but none of the females finished.
This summer im trying to go big and will have around 30 x Northern lights, 30 X White Widow, and 30 x Big Bud clones.
I am planning on planting near my cottage which is about 2-3 hours north of Toronto. Temperatures may be a bit colder, and a shorter season but i really need these plants to finish. I will probably use an organic potting soil with several additives, ie guano, castings, coconut fibre.
Basically im looking for any insight or suggestions from anyone who grows in ontario. What has worked for you.


im planning to do something similar and obviously going further up north has it pros and cons (less of a bust factor but shorter season and rough soil) what are some other good areas in ontario with quality soil? cause im seriously going for numbers and descent soil would make things alot easier.

thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
man i hate to be the asshole here but youve not ever harvested one and now your going big? if i were you id focus on learning how to grow. 100 is a lot of work im not sure you entirely know how much work it is. cut your numbers by a third read up and you will have more success than if you try to get rich your first year. have you done research on how much good soil,guanos,castings,coir will cost you to grow 100 nicely. ill give you an estimate about $1500-$2000 thats american im not sure on the currency exchange and thats probly a big underestimate.


Well-Known Member
If you dig holes about 20 to 30 gallons size (80 of em) like I did last year then dragged soil top each hole. expect close to an hours work each hole if you do it right.I hope you have vacation time saved up from work.

Do like sodalite said and cut down on numbers and concentrate on the plants you have.

My buddy tried " the 100 plant crop last year".You would NOT want to know what he ended up with.He learned and is taking a different plan this year.


muaythai banger how did things work out for you? any tips for us new to this?
The best way to grow IMO is to plant the clone/ seedling, water it, and just let it do its thing. You'd be suprised how much a plant will yield if you just don't fuck with it. Thats not to say that you should just take some seeds throw them in a hole and expect them to grow 8 ft tall, if your growing outdoors the most important factors that you should be worrying about are location, soil, water, and sunlight, the only other thing i would suggest doing is maybe top the plant if you want other than that let it be. and if your growing in northern Ontario remember about hunters, I have yet to meet a person who doesn't enjoy some free weed.


i would reccommend different strains if at all possible, last year my ww just started budding when the frosts came and i have yet to have a year where these strains(except big bud) have actually fully finished. The season here just isnt long enough for them. You could still do some but maybe go with atleast half of the early finishing strains to make sure you at least get a harvest. Just a thought


Well-Known Member
I done pretty good considering the wettest year last summer in quite some time.

You guys are in ontario. Order from Dr.greenthums. His endless sky finishes by the end of september.235.00$ for 10 feminized seeds.Order em and start vegging them indoors if you can. Clone off of them in about 6-8 weeks.Thats what I done the last couple of years with feminized seeds.

My buddy grew his Chemdog Kush last season and it finished the first week of october.He grew in potting soil in about 12 gallon containers and averaged about a quarter pound per plant.I had dug holes varying between 20-30 gallons per hole so I got larger plants.I had bubblegum clones from a mother plant and White widow/Big Bud clones from my feminized seeds.

80 holes with my cousin on the halves.I'll tell ya ,that was alot of work. Even with an ATV he had.

Just when you think you've learned everything over your years of growing, BANG, something else shows up you never experienced before.

My new thing last year was destruction from rabbits and the tail end of a hurricane that split almost every fucking plant we had. Man, those babies were tough. We must of used 3 large rolls of ducktape to splint. That was 3-4 weeks from finish.They all survived though.


New Member
I done pretty good considering the wettest year last summer in quite some time.

You guys are in ontario. Order from Dr.greenthums. His endless sky finishes by the end of september.235.00$ for 10 feminized seeds.Order em and start vegging them indoors if you can. Clone off of them in about 6-8 weeks.Thats what I done the last couple of years with feminized seeds.

My buddy grew his Chemdog Kush last season and it finished the first week of october.He grew in potting soil in about 12 gallon containers and averaged about a quarter pound per plant.I had dug holes varying between 20-30 gallons per hole so I got larger plants.I had bubblegum clones from a mother plant and White widow/Big Bud clones from my feminized seeds.

80 holes with my cousin on the halves.I'll tell ya ,that was alot of work. Even with an ATV he had.

Just when you think you've learned everything over your years of growing, BANG, something else shows up you never experienced before.

My new thing last year was destruction from rabbits and the tail end of a hurricane that split almost every fucking plant we had. Man, those babies were tough. We must of used 3 large rolls of ducktape to splint. That was 3-4 weeks from finish.They all survived though.

i'm a muay boran banger..

where in east ontario are you? I didn't get to grow last year, because i peaced to b.c great bud and I know the best growing place in canada.. it is virtually identical to the emerald triangle.


Well-Known Member
i'm a muay boran banger..

where in east ontario are you? I didn't get to grow last year, because i peaced to b.c great bud and I know the best growing place in canada.. it is virtually identical to the emerald triangle.
I'd love to train muay boran and Krabi Krabong but there is nothing even close to that where I live.I'm in a very rural area.

I live in on the east coast(Maritime provinces), not eastern ontario.I ordered from the doc in Ottawa a few weeks ago.He has some great strains.

Yeah, BC has the best growing climate in Canada by far.I heard Southern Ontario is pretty good too.


Thats cool sodalite, any responses are appreciated.
Last season was nothing serious at all. we put 30 seeds that we germed indoors in the ground and didnt check on them until harvest time. We did not pull any of the males or anything, it was a very half assed, and we didnt expect any big results. There are 3 of us working on this, all with a good amount of horticultural experience. I go to school so i have nothing to do in the summer and having these planted near our cottage allows for easy access to check up on them weekly. Im not worried about the investment either because money is not tight for me.
Basically i wasnt asking if you thought this was a feasible idea or not. This is going to happen regardless.
Im just asking for any positive suggestions, from anyone that has grown in northern ontario could give me.
My biggest worry is the Plants not Finishing in time.
Thanks 777b the WW was definately iffy in my mind whether it would finish it or not, and im not too confident we should plant this strain.
I belive BB and NL will finish in time but if anybody has attempted these strains in canada please provide me with some feedback.
Thanks in Advance


Well-Known Member
An early skunk will finish.
You can order sensi seeds Early Skunk from Their based in the UK. Great to deal with. I'v ordered from them 4 times.I'v never grew that strain from dopeseeds ,but it finishes earlier than other strains like WW or BB or NL or even Bubblegum I grew last year..


Hey MuayThai
I was looking at an early skunk from sensi seeds or Hollands hope which flowers late September. Got any feedback on the genetics or growth potential for these two strains.


Well-Known Member
Hey MuayThai
I was looking at an early skunk from sensi seeds or Hollands hope which flowers late September. Got any feedback on the genetics or growth potential for these two strains.
I never grew it myself ,but I know a guy who grew early girl last year. They have similar flowering times.
It was an early harvest for him compared to the strains we grow around my area.


Hey muaythai what was soil mix you used, and was it successful for you?
I am definitely not looking forward to hauling all this dirt but we have an atv and dirtbikes available which will help with this load considerably. Im thinking of digging 3' by 3' holes to add/mix the soil in.
Also if you dont mind me asking what did you yield from those 80 that you put in ground last season?


Well-Known Member
Hey muaythai what was soil mix you used, and was it successful for you?
I am definitely not looking forward to hauling all this dirt but we have an atv and dirtbikes available which will help with this load considerably. Im thinking of digging 3' by 3' holes to add/mix the soil in.
Also if you dont mind me asking what did you yield from those 80 that you put in ground last season?
We used soil called progro #4.
Something similar to promix.
We only ended up with 69 plants at the end.Rabbits and slugs took a few early in the season.Ended up with 22lbs but about 2.5 lbs were moldy.

The reason the low yeild per plant for us was because things got screwed up in the spring and we couldn't veg them as long as we were planning on indoors. Some of them went out at the end of june only 6 inches high but still had over a quarter pound,which wasn't to bad for how late we put em out.This year will be different.

This is just my opinion ,but there is no point in digging that 3 by 3 hole unless your vegging them indoors to 2 or 3 feet high by mid june or whenever you choose to plant..
That hole would probably take 2 bales of promix(3.8 cu. feet each)
our holes were about 2 ft round by 2-3 ft. deep. Even our 12 larger plants that we put out earlier than the rest didn't completly fill the holes with roots so digging the holes larger would have been a waste of time and money for us.
Unless of course you're putting out super large plants after vegging them indoors for a couple of months.Then you will grow Monsters.


Well-Known Member
murkkt a variety i used to grow when i was younger was mighty mite and mighty mite crosses. the mighty might could probly be considered an autoflowering plant its been around 20 years or so ive heard. while straight mighty mite is not the greatest its not bad either. but some mighty mite crosses are real nice,capable of producing big and most are done by early sept. talking the first week. and yea that endless sky looks great. im getting some of his iranians autos in the mail anyday. they are autos but they are supposed to produce unlike most autos 8 oz im told. but you never know. and the might mite i was talking about strait mm is almost always done by sept 1st with 8-10 ozs on a nice plant,not bad for an auto nobody talks about anymore. some of the older guys on here im sure have grown it. ive also grown thseeds mendos and had plants done by sept 1st and the rest by the 15th. well good luck. i use sunshine mix works great! my computer wont let me onto riu for somereason so im at my dads to post.


Well-Known Member
I'v got Endless Sky going started right now.Hoping for some good results.

Also got dr greenthumbs new strain"the dope" started.

Did you ever grow Endless Sky?