Growing in coco do I feed from seedling?

Growing in coco for the first time using the canna coco & canna coco nutrient starter kit, will i need To feed my plants Nutrients from the first watering? Will I need any other nutrients that aren’t included in the canna coco starter kit?
Growing in coco for the first time using the canna coco & canna coco nutrient starter kit, will i need To feed my plants Nutrients from the first watering? Will I need any other nutrients that aren’t included in the canna coco starter kit?

Coco college.

As you will read, you should be fine with that you have in the starter kit.
Good luck - all I kno is coco
Ive just trans planted my seedlings a couple days ago into 20 litre fabric bags should i be watering looking for run off from the start ?
Ive just trans planted my seedlings a couple days ago into 20 litre fabric bags should i be watering looking for run off from the start ?
always aim for 10-20% runoff. This will leech out excess salts and make sure the medium pH and PPM stay the same as the water you are putting into it.
I target allways 60%, minimal 40%. no need worry salt buildups or ph issues either then. In coco its not matter how much u watering, u just flush salts away which is only good, coco holds 30% H2o allways, no matter how much u run water through.