growing in my closet!!!


Active Member
Hey i got one bagseed plant that ive been growing for about 22 days.....
I want to clone them and top them but since its first time i want to ask you guys if its right time or not. and if it is whats the best/easiest way to do them?

Set up: 4 27w CFL's (6500k and 5500k) 20/4 cycle
just started to using FoxFarm Big Grow

*I also have BIG BLOOM and BIg Tiger....i only used Big Grow so far should i use others too?



Well-Known Member

Why clone if you dont know what sex it is? Do you want a room full of male clones and wasted nutrients? Vegg it out a couple more weeks the switch to 12/12 light cycle. Wait a week or so then you should be able to tell what sex it is and weather or not you even want to clone it.

It is however probably ok to top it.


Active Member
can you tell me more about topping?
and i wanted to clone them so i know their gender if its female im gonna keep my mother plants and keep on cloning them....


Active Member
no not yet....
I just took 2 clones from it and hopefully i can put them in 12/12 cycle to see their gender.
I'll post up more pics soon!!
Thanks guys!!