growing in puerto rico

hello everyone!!

i recently moved to puerto rico and brought back some feminized white widow seeds. right now they re about 6.5 weeks old . about 2 feet tall . straight outdoors . they look really good . but the climate hasnt allowed me to take em to grow site , which it has been ready for while . right now theyre in 1 gallon pots . about 3 days i went to see them and one of them looks like it started to flower . im new at this , i think i could get about 3 cuttings out of it . but why is this happening ????? anyone can help me .

thanks for your time


Active Member
Damn,i shuld be in puerto rico end of july for a family there anyway you can grow inside??
yes !!!! just dont have the equipment available . actually i just found a web site from a hydro store that just open in the east coast . the organic bussiness is starting to boom now. its the begining


Active Member
Cfls are cheap and a good light source.if im correct i think theres a hydro store in puerto rico.let me call my cousin and check
where you from ? ive been out of here for 13 years . and ive never seen so much fucking rain ! its pretty crazy , i guess thats why they call it a wet forrest
cool bro . im about 25 mns from guanica . belive me , ive been searching on web but no luck . i still want to get an outdoor season before i go indoors . i dont know how it will go . i still have a ton of seeds left .


Active Member
yeah i hear you,its really humid in puerto rico and even worse right after it just growing in your yard or some place in the forest?i wonder if the salt in the air would play a factor in your grow
you in cali ? i just came from temecula . i really MISS the dipensaries . we dont have the kind here . its all brick mexi . so nasty !!