Growing in South Florida


My friend wants to know whether it is too late in the season to start an outside grow this year in South Florida? There's plenty of rain right now and the sun shines for at least 10-12 hours everyday.


Well-Known Member
South Florida's growing season is a little different....I'm not sure, but I think you should be alright, the weather should accomodate a decent yield.


Active Member
South Florida's growing season is a little different....I'm not sure, but I think you should be alright, the weather should accomodate a decent yield.
get them in bro u still got plenty of time there.. i use to live sw fl ft myers area u got time bro just watch out for the rain it could fuck everything up......


The excessive amount of rain was a concern. What's the best way to shield the plant from being drowned but still getting enough rainwater into the plant. Trying to avoid building an elaborate greenhouse. Location would be a backyard grow with 3-4 plants.


Active Member
The excessive amount of rain was a concern. What's the best way to shield the plant from being drowned but still getting enough rainwater into the plant. Trying to avoid building an elaborate greenhouse. Location would be a backyard grow with 3-4 plants.
thers many ways of doing it ... the way i used was i built a frame outa 2x2 and screen make the top at an angle coming down so the water will run down while some still goes threw ill see if i can find and old pic to give u an ex it does block a little sun but it dont make a huge diference.... get good soil to.... if possible use 5 gallon buckets and burry them in the ground..


Thanks for the info. Would you suggest using indica or sativa? What strain would be best for a beginner?


Active Member
Thanks for the info. Would you suggest using indica or sativa? What strain would be best for a beginner?
i would just go with bag seed for your first grow or if u really want to get some try some northern lights or most seed banks have an outdoor section ... if u go to newbie threads im pretty sure theres a strain guide there in the stickys...