Growing in the UK

big budz

Active Member
hi im new here, ive been looking around and i've been finding this fourm really helpful. as youve probally gussed im new to growing but i am really eager to grow big plants.

so my problem is i live in the uk, south england, ive been reading the summer forecast and it predicted to be above average in tempretures and in rainfall. ive found a good location in the woods nearby, sun on the spot from moring till night, ive got some sativa seedbank sweet seeds (outdoor ofcouse) and i was thinking because of the rain maybe ive got an old clear fishtank about 1 merte sq. currently i have germinated my seeds and there on my window sill waiting to sprout when the get bigger around 4 inches. wanted to plant them at my spot under my tank, i would cut holes on the ends for fresh air and to help the plants stay strong, i was thinking will this be ok? and my other question is do i have my plants in the right place atm, ive just germinated them and wating to sprout. any help apprecated.:razz:


Active Member
Sounds good , you may not even need the tank now if you're in southern uk , almost certainly ok by mid may to plant outdoors. Would'nt worry about the rain , pests on the other hand - deer ? , rabbits ? , slugs n' snails ?
Good luck with your grow , keep posting ...


Well-Known Member
im also in south of england and im gunna be doing an outdoor grow, this will b my first outdoor grow. i have a question can i put my seeds straight into the ground or do i have 2 let them germ first?