Growing In The Woods


Active Member
and im doing what you said about germing but with cotton wool they do have space between them they are in between two bits of cotton wool always kept wet in a sealy bag in a drawer in darkness :)

josh b

Well-Known Member
I should of got all the fencing done by now but i havent because ive been sat in my room smoking weed every day with my mate's and i don't want to take them to the grow spot lol.

I now have all the soil and grow bag's ready,i just need to decide when im going to put them out,i will move out the 3 big 1's from my grow room tommorow and see how they cope because i need the room as they are getting pretty big and the new leave's are getting covered by branche's ect but i might tidy them up now.

So now i have the grow on lockdown and i hope you will soon :D

Cya lol :hump:


Active Member
cool josh well on friday i planted four

i got four thai stick seeds off a mate, ive got one of the other seeds germinated ready to go into the pot

gonna take the miracle grow up to the spot tomorrow with hopefully more pots, and see how they are doing hopefully they have sprouted.

im germinating maybe 15 of them now but some have had 9 days and havent done anything so they will be chucked away

so by the end of next week i should have around 10 plants ill keep ya'll updated with pics if i have some seedlings :D


Active Member
well just got rid of two seeds which arent doing anything, nothing yet from the seeds i started yesterday

went up to the grow site and nothing, none of them have sprouted :( its been three days! will they sprout soon anyone know? they did take ages to germinate


when i germinate it always takes no more than 3 days to sprout.Then when i put the sprouts in the ground, no more than 2 days and they are up.


Active Member
hmm ok, what do you think is wrong then? i actually unearthed one of the seeds out of curiosity and the shell was cracking, it just looked like it was finishing germinating, like it looked liked what it would have probably looked like if i left it to germ for a bit longer

so maybe it will plant its roots after the shell cracks and then it will fucking sprout!!

josh b

Well-Known Member
Try get saome better seed's and make sure they are stored in a dark place.

Them thai stick seed's don't seem that good,my seed's all germed in a day or so mate.


Active Member
bro the reason y they are taking slow coz of the weather. trust me they will take off once the weather is warm enough.

I germed mine indoors and once the tap root started showing, i put in soil and then outside. i put a plastic bottle on top and they took 3 days to pop above soil.

there growing fine (SLOW) BUT growing! i see growth difference everyday

The bottle acted like a greenhouse for them and i guess thats y iv been ok. i kept the bottle over them for a good few days coz it was cold and we had frost, after that there in full sunshine lapping it up!! lol

Give it a little while and i bet (some not all) will start growing and be ok!

but there is some more of the last cold nights cumming up in ur area sunday nite so be aware

n e ways bro best of luck



Active Member
by the way in new to growing. i have done so much homework with so many sleepless nights, (6 months B4) iv just put together my plan of action and iv pulled this off so far. im sure there is some mistakes lined up in the future for me, just keep reading,reading, and reading and u will pick it up. :)


Active Member
cool man

yeh u seem pretty clued up about it all

yeh could be the weather man

im germing loads more seeds at the moment

but the thai stick is in a bag with hole so cotton wool is getting dry so im gnna put it in with the othe seeds ive been meaning to for days now lol but i keep forgetting thats probs why theyre taking so lng

i deced to germ about 20 od at a time so i can save time so maybe the weather will be a bit better by the time these seeds r ready to plant


Active Member
what sort of bags r u using? freezer bags are good. basicly what i done was..

got some cotten wool and wet it. squeezed the excess water off and whilst i was doin that i put seeds in a cup of room temp water for bout ten mins.

i then put the seeds on the cotton wool pad with another 1 on top. i done that with each 1 as i had different strains.

i then stuck them in the freezer bag and then put that in a cd case in a warm place.

check them every 12 hrs to see if sprout and need more water. mine didnt need watering at all and they had all sprouted within 3 days. after that i done what was mentioned above.

that was my success. so if you doing the same then it could be the seeds, some take longer that others or they are shit


Active Member
yeh man some seeds work in a few days other may take about 6 days and some just dont work

which is y i soaked one bit of cotton wool with about 15 seeds inside, just to take less time to germinate them, get it done a bit quicker


Active Member
with the seeds that have worked try this.

once spouted put then in pots of soil and give it a water and put cleanfilm over them and keep them under you bed.

once that have rose above soil the put them outside, cut the bottom of the 2ltr bottle of bigger so it goes around the pot and leave in a semi sun/shaded area till u see the first set of leaves. the bottle will keep the humidity and heat up acting like a green house.

thats the only best thing you can do in ur situation coz you live with u family.

that will work for sure.

n e updates on the seeds you already planted?


Active Member
well the seeds i planted showed no sign of life on tuesday night and i planted them friday

yeh ur right i should do that but thing is ive already transported my soil outside along with the pots =(

yeh the two loitre bottle thing is a good idea unfortunately i dont have any, i can get some cling film or some plastic bags and sellotape them round the pots if that would help.

then ill leave them and come back to them see if that works. tbh i dont know how well this is going to go, if after a week the ones that have been planted havent grown at all should i just give up?


Active Member
no dont give up. we will get this going for you. u might not get al the plants you wanted but u will have some! :)

yep that will work till the reach above soil, just keep an eye each day coz they will stretch otherwise if kept on. now within the mean time, im sure ur household will have some sort of bottles there if not pop to tesco, sainsbarys and get the basic lemonade (proper cheapo shit) between 10 or 20p each.

i think you would be best starting of with just a few plants mate coz i think ur trying to run before u can walk here abit. like.. thats is alot of plants and where would u harvest and store the shit! maybe you got some where lined up im not sure, i just think its alot for some 1 who hasn't grow before in my opinion.

i think as you got regular seeds maybe just do 20 and probably half of them will be male. what you think?


josh b

Well-Known Member
Man you are not having much luck are you,i just germed another (fem) seed overnight =/,ive gone weed mad and im going to be doing 5 lowryder's aswell as 12 mango and 2 la woman.

19 plant's lol,i think ill end up with like 13 female's though.

Gl growing,cya soon :hump:


Active Member
ha yeh man well ive planted four and ive about four more germnated now

some of them actuall germinated properly there wasnt just a little root sticking out but actually quite a long one but now the shell is cracking ha ill plant some more tomorrow, i havent been and checked on my plants for almost a week now! well when i last cheked they hadnt sprouted but its rained i think three times since then

hey dude i know what you mean about too many plants it will be too much to handle if i do have a lot of plants but im doing it because i dont know many will die and be shit or how many will be male cos i know if i get a lot of males ill be pissed off that i didnt plant more!

and yeh perk the harvesting and drying will be a pain fuck knows where i will dry that much green!

ill find a way up date tomorrow and hopefully ive got some plants in the ground!!!!