Growing in winter- winter temps!!

hey all, I'm wondering what you all do for heat during the winter. I know one guy who says its a waste to get a space heater to heat the grow and his plants do just fine even though it gets to 30 to 40 degrees. Also does 1000 watts for 15 plants veg and 2000 for 15 flower sound adequate? Thanks for any input, I can not install a space heater and have this many lights due to breaker issues.
Thanks, but I don't see how people can use a space heater for veg and flowering, thats 3000 watts! Do you get a descent yield during the winter months without a heater? it gets cold, especially at night


Well-Known Member
if you bunch up the 15 plants then 1000 will be fine in veg.
then you could run the space heater. when the plants are bigger
and spread out you could add the other 1000watt light and turn off the heater?
should be a bit warmer outside towards end of veg and start of flowering i would suspect.
in So Cal a descent yield is not a problem in winter months.
not sure about anywhere else other then SoCal.
state your State/location and maybe someone in your area will chime in to
answer your question better.


Well-Known Member
Make sure your veg lights shut off for a period while your flower lights are on. Supplement the heat from each other with a fan and ducting. My areas are in the same room(flowering in a tent). But I usually veg at least 20 hours a day. And I also have a dehumidifier in the tent that kicks out a nice warm breeze.

Dont know about the plant count questions. I'm still new to this.
Im from Washington state. It gets in the 30's here in the winter and I'd like to avoid using two space heaters but I know that this cold should be very harsh on the plants. Any growers who don't use a heater and grow in a detached garage or something of that sort?


Well-Known Member
Im from Washington state. It gets in the 30's here in the winter. Any growers who don't use a heater and grow in a detached garage or something of that sort?
very very good question. hopefully some will chime in with some answers.
i would be persistent if i were you.


Well-Known Member
I'm from Washington also. While I grow inside and do it how I stated. My cousin is also in the same city, and he grows in his shed. If your going to veg and flower in the same area you need something to separate it. Just use the heat your already generating with the lights on to supplement the other area while its lights are off. It's pretty simple.
I have two seperate areas. I grew last winter and had a yield but it was small cuz I was new, but could have been because of the temp also, roughly an oz a plant only. Under the lights it is only about 40 degrees right now. Having this temp consistently this low can not be good, but i have little choice. i have some deep purple seeds (75% purple urkle, 25% space queen) so at least I am excited about that!


Well-Known Member
Low temps slow plant growth and development overall. Bud development is very delayed with buds staying small in my experience. I live in AK.


Well-Known Member
You could try hanging some cheap plastic around everything. Try to kind of encapsulate everything. Just making the area smaller in general. Are you using HID lights?
Yes i have 2000 watts for flower and 1000 watts for veg. I have a hard time believing that everyone out there who grows in a shed heats both rooms, again thats 3000 watts (the same as my lights and I can only run 4000 total)! Is there anyone who doesn't have heat in the winter and if so how much less do you typically yield as compared to summer?


New Member
Low temps slow plant growth and development overall. Bud development is very delayed with buds staying small in my experience. I live in AK.
I completely agree. Although, the lower temps, help during the winter. It does get quite warm in the summer. I prefer winter growing.


New Member
Yes i have 2000 watts for flower and 1000 watts for veg. I have a hard time believing that everyone out there who grows in a shed heats both rooms, again thats 3000 watts (the same as my lights and I can only run 4000 total)! Is there anyone who doesn't have heat in the winter and if so how much less do you typically yield as compared to summer?
If you run vented hoods, the lights will heat the area. (If you run a closed loop system)
The lights do not heat the area sufficiently, about 40 degrees two feet away, maybe 65 RIGHT under the glass. Heating costs for two 1500 watt heaters would be about 75 a month at least, OUCH. However, I am scared about the cold and wonder if giving them more than basic nutrients will even be worth it since the environment is not ideal. I agree that the heat is killer, but I have a big exhaust and Washington summers aren't that bad usually! It sounds like Krondizzel grows in a cold enviornment and does fine. What are your yields and how cold do you think it gets where you live?


New Member
The lights do not heat the area sufficiently, about 40 degrees two feet away, maybe 65 RIGHT under the glass. Heating costs for two 1500 watt heaters would be about 75 a month at least, OUCH. However, I am scared about the cold and wonder if giving them more than basic nutrients will even be worth it since the environment is not ideal. I agree that the heat is killer, but I have a big exhaust and Washington summers aren't that bad usually! It sounds like Krondizzel grows in a cold enviornment and does fine. What are your yields and how cold do you think it gets where you live?
I do it because I run a lot more light than most people do. I use outside air to reduce temps from all the wattage I run. Outside air in the winter also helps keep humidity down ;) If you pump in cold dry air you'll get lower temps and lower humidity.


New Member
My yields vary. I have experience with a multiple systems. Biggest yielder would be the 18gal DWC with top feed, single plant, under 4000watts. 23 oz dry is what I got off that one.

Another system I've played around with is a 5 gallon bucket system (2 water farm kits, modified) with a recirculating undercurrent top drip blah blah. Those would pull about 10oz per plant.
Lol I exhaust during the summer but bringing in cold air sounds like a terrible idea since its so cold. You have to vent to keep temps down during the winter?! must be running 10000 watts damn


New Member
All depends on the square footage and the wattage. If you run like, a 4x8x7 and 2800w, you HAVE to pump in outside air. and you HAVE to exhaust it just as fast.

If you have 1000w in a barn or something, it isn't gonna heat a dang thing.