growing indefinate


Well-Known Member
so I watched that really popular mr. greenthumb video and he didnt really ever seem to flower his mother plants...How long will a plant live before it long is it possible, givin that all the right conditions are met, that a plant will veg. before you can flower.

Basically I was wondering because I have a plant that is looking really nice but it is taking a really long time to grow. A couple of people have told me to veg. for a little longer then switch to 12-12...I was wondering if I could just grow it until it became freakin huge!!!!!!!,,,then I can flower it.

Also, my plant is about 6-7inches but it is growing leaves and branches out of every nuk-and-crany. it looks really branchy and healthy but its a few months into growth and I was wondering that since I've had 2 cfl 42watts at about two inches, how much can I raise the light to make the plants taller without stressing the plants too much??


Uses the Rollitup profile
Uh, I don't see how side lighting will make plants taller. Plants will grow toward the light source. Keep the lights where they do the most good, don't put them farther away just to make the plant stretch.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeaaah my cfl's are like 3-4 inches from the tops of my plants and reflective hooded with mylar. I think I'm utilizing my full 6000 lumens.


Well-Known Member
I just got done reorganizing my whole setup so that the lights emit from the side and now people are telling me not to put the lights on the side?!?!?!?!??! So now im probably gonna give it a couple days to see if it helps to see if this guy knows something I dont. Im not attaking anyone im just frustrated it took me like 2 hours just to figure out how to rearrange them............Anyways does anyone know if I should keep them, switch them back in a hurry?!?!? also the main question still stands, is there a way to make them grow taller before I flower??


Well-Known Member
if your stalk is strong enough you could try pulling the light away from them upwards but a short strong plant is going to be better and easier to light.