growing indoors


Active Member
ok my setup is simple.


and the plants are in a large tubberware container. do i need to poke holes in the container to let the plant breathe or will they be fine?

its mids btw, and they've been sprouted for about 6 days. some are about 4 inches tall. how long till they bud and about how much will come off of each plant (assuming that they are females)?


Well-Known Member
Plants always need a sufficient amount of ventilation.

How long until they bud is up to you. You decide when to trigger flowering by setting the light cycle to 12/12.

Nobody can tell you how much bud you will get. There are a lot of different variables. It depends on the strain, how big you let them get before flowering, are they getting good light and how well were they taken care of overall.


Well-Known Member
you need holes in bottom of pots so excess water can drain
you want seedling for about 3 weeks
then veg for another 3 weeks
than bud for 7 to 10 weeks may be more depending on strain