growing is time consuming and hard work...


Active Member
I enjoy taking care of my plants, but what about people who are's a lot of constant attention a sick person may not be able to it sucks there are limits to what a person can grow, forces a sick person to either keep growing or I were allowed I'd grow 50 plants all summer and have a supply of an oz a week all in 1 grow...


Well-Known Member
It's not constant attention. Checking it once or twice a day for 30 seconds is nothing that I would consider "hard work" It's a plant for fucks sakes. It's growing itself, all you have to do is make sure you don't kill it.


Well-Known Member
If your plants require constant attention then your probably not dialed in.

I visit my grow twice in a month for about 3 hours each time; 6 hours total for the month. This turns about to be less than 1% of my month is dedicated to my growing ladies.



New Member
When all time is averaged out I spend maybe 8 hours a week working a perpetual grow for 5 people and a few other lucky heads .. Long story short most of the time is leisure time such as inspecting the plants , super cropping and maintenance .. only half of the work involved is really work , up potting , trimming ect .. And even this is not labor intensive in any way

Many people say that growing indoors is hard but for me its like riding a bicycle .. Look Mom , no hands !


Well-Known Member
Why do you think when my wife said "You should just stay home with the kids"..............I was as excited as a kid in a candy store......MORE TIME TO GET MY GROW will be some kind of legal here inTX before too long.peace

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I remember before I started growing for myself, multiple people telling me about how it was a full time job. Now i realize how many lazy stoners there are in this world.


Active Member
Why do you think when my wife said "You should just stay home with the kids"..............I was as excited as a kid in a candy store......MORE TIME TO GET MY GROW will be some kind of legal here inTX before too long.peace
"Some kind of legal" lol

Thats what im hoping for here in So-Flo man! lol


Well-Known Member
Oooohhh!!! Weeeeeeee!!.....goood luck in so-flo,bro, been there done that.Ft.Lauderdale 7yrs.It'll be totally legal herein TX before Florida even becomes medical,if that...


Well-Known Member
Oooohhh!!! Weeeeeeee!!.....goood luck in so-flo,bro, been there done that.Ft.Lauderdale 7yrs.It'll be totally legal herein TX before Florida even becomes medical,if that...
I have a hard time believing Texas or FL will be legal before it is on a Federal level.


Active Member
Naw, itll be legal here within the next few years. If these lazy fucks here get out and vote, it will be legal.. Its been on our ballot for the past 4 years to decriminalize it.

But these lazy fucks dont go vote lol.

I read an article where they predicted it could generate over 100 mil in revenue in florida if it was legalized.


Well-Known Member
Indoor grows take some time getting stuff bought and set up, but after that run with little input unless you fuck up and are constantly dealing with problems. I check on mine as soon as I get up to make sure everything is running and check soil moisture. 3 minutes tops if I have to water. Tuck them in bed at night, maybe a couple minutes.

My outdoor grows could be ridiculously easy during summers with sufficient rain.

You can make it as hard or simple as you want, it's up to you. Give em good soil to start with, poke some seeds in, water properly, feed em a few times, is all it really takes. If you like screwing around with a lot of arcane details, and worrying about and trying to fix every little leaf spot go ahead, enjoy yourself. The more you micro-manage and screw with them though, the greater your chance to screw something up. Plants don't need fretting over, they really prefer to be left alone.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy taking care of my plants, but what about people who are's a lot of constant attention a sick person may not be able to it sucks there are limits to what a person can grow, forces a sick person to either keep growing or I were allowed I'd grow 50 plants all summer and have a supply of an oz a week all in 1 grow...

Plant limits do not hurt you.

Why not grow one plant under a 1,000 bulb? You could pull more than a pound of off one plant.
With a three plant limit you could easily pull 4 pounds of 3 different varieties that way. Have three babies in veg ready to go...
(I'm talking about 3 mature, 3 immature plant limits)

I think cannabis should be regulated like tomatoes, but you can comply with the law and grow a lot easily.


Active Member
I suffer severe disabling pain, I spend 90 % of the day in bed. ( Crushed spinal cord.)

I also grow only 2 plants at a time.

It's easier to work on my plants then to do dishes or vacuum.

I have a friend that helps me set up the start of the grow....and harvest. Everything else in between I can easily handle.

Plants are at waist no bending.

Lights are on pulleys..

I have a hose to fill water / nute buckets...also waist high.

Easy peezy.

Also growing is one of the few joys in my helps with the pain..just sitting there staring at my beautiful ladies, inhaling their aroma.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy taking care of my plants, but what about people who are's a lot of constant attention a sick person may not be able to it sucks there are limits to what a person can grow, forces a sick person to either keep growing or I were allowed I'd grow 50 plants all summer and have a supply of an oz a week all in 1 grow...
If your ill, find yourself a caregiver to grow for you.