Growing Just A Little Weed


Active Member
Ok, so Im not the most smartest person out there if you know what im saying, so I really dont get the tecnical terms they are all using and stuff. I ust want to have one little plant for my self. I dont want to be like a dealer of anything. I just want enough for me, which i only smoke about twice a week. So like how many seeds do I need for this? What Kind of seeds should I use? Should I still use the 12.12 hour technice with the lights? Please help, i just wana get high. : (

Oh yeah yes I know Im a Noob, but everyone starts off somwhere!
Help Me Get High!!! bongsmilie


Active Member
just put as many as you want in a couple paper toles and fold and wet the paper and stick them in some thing closed and dark and wait about 24hours then if they have a lil rout then stick it in soil and let it grow under like and water it simple you will need new stuff after a lil wile but that if you wantit indoors


Active Member
Thankyou. Much more simplified. What do you mean by ned more stuff tho? and also where can i get seeds? can i use the ones out of the weed i buy?


100% Authentic A$$Hole
You will want to germinate at least 4 seeds so you can assure yourself of at least 1 female although its not definite but likely....and yes a seed in your bag of herb is just as good as any seed in terms of growing:peace: