growing laws in uk


Well-Known Member
does anyone know about growing in the uk?. is it leagle for med users and are med users able to obtain a lic for med needs?.


Active Member
it is currently illegal to grow and possess in the uk, but the police are now tending to go for the dealers rather than the users and so it is now common for people to get away with owning a couple of plants and they are just destroyed if found, and smoking in public areas is more common.
Unfortunatly we dont have that great system of the canadians and americans and have licences for medical use and it is only just recently that ms sufferers have been able to obtain cannabis but only in certain cases, there is research currently being conducted for people with neuropathy and a few other disorder and the effects of cannabis on this, but we are still way, way behind other countries.
Before i developed my many health problems that cannabis has greatly relieved, i was a molecular toxicologist so i can understand the arguments both for and against on a cellular and molecular level in the human body the effects of cannabis

And in my expert opinion......well let me light up and i will tell you!


Well-Known Member
Just remember if there are absolutely no tell tale signs that you grow from the exterior of your house, and you never give a copper reason to come to your property, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, you know not every house has gas central heating and some rely on electricity storage heaters. An electrical heater can draw upto 4k of electricity to heat the room so if you run your lights at night whats to say your not running electrical heaters, so I wouldn't worry about a thing just keep everything clean from the outside of the house.

Read as many bust stories as you can and find the common themes that get people busted, stealing electricity is often top of the pile.


Well-Known Member
belive, ive learned that, the police came to my house over somthing stupid and i was growing in the pantry and the kitchen stank, we couldnt smell it cos were used to the smell, the copper said have you been smoking cannabis, i said yes i only have one when i come in from work, he said as long as its only cannabis, after that ive learned not to give them an exc. to come near , i even were my seatbelt now , just in case i have weed in the jeep, and then they mite search my house, and i dont want that to happen.