Growing legality question.


So how does one get in the business. Growing as a medical supplier for instance. I understand that there are possible federal ramification so I asking about the legality of growing as it pertains with state rights in particular. What about operating distribution centers. Any information would be helpful as I couldn't find much at all on norml or any other site.


Active Member
Don't vote republican. For all that they claim to be the party of individual's rights and freedoms, they are fact the party of prohibition. Then research laws in state you where medical MJ is allowed.


Active Member
Each state is radically different from the next. Not all of them allow dispensaries. You couldn't own a dispensary in Colorado because you haven't live there for two years. You could try in California but the market is pretty saturated. It might open up if Prop 19 passes. You should look through the states that have medical marijuana, you can get a list and some details at Decide which states you would like to live in and go from there. Its not an easy road, but it is certainly worth it.


Well I'm already in a state where it is medically legal and although there is some info on norml, all I could find was info about the legality behind being a patient not a grower or store owner.


Well-Known Member
Don't vote republican. For all that they claim to be the party of individual's rights and freedoms, they are fact the party of prohibition. Then research laws in state you where medical MJ is allowed.
How about just vote for who you really want. Let's not blame it on just the republicans, the democrats are just as bad. Find a third party and vote for it. The more people that vote third party the more power third parties will get.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm already in a state where it is medically legal and although there is some info on norml, all I could find was info about the legality behind being a patient not a grower or store owner.
My thinking from looking into it is you have to have a mmj card to grow for a dispensary. You would then have people give you their cards basically saying that they want you to grow for them. Which would then create the business. I am not saying its right I too would like to know the scoop.


So I did a little more research and found this Washington State Medical Marijuana act. It seems that in Washington it is legal to grow if you have a medical card but it illegal to distribute in any way.

I believe this is the case for a number of states. Does anyone know what states dispensaries are actually legal?


Active Member
My thinking from looking into it is you have to have a mmj card to grow for a dispensary. You would then have people give you their cards basically saying that they want you to grow for them. Which would then create the business. I am not saying its right I too would like to know the scoop.
That is the idea. A lot of the dispensaries don't abide by that rule but it is nice to take every precaution and do every step legally. They went into it a little bit on that Drugs Inc. show on the NatGeo channel.

And Smashecho yeah Washington state has some collectives but they ride the line between legal and illegal and distribution in any way is illegal. I know California has them, obviously. There is many guidelines to a lot of states Cali just happens to be the loosest, hence the saturated market like thalboy said.


Well-Known Member
In Colorado a care giver can only grow for 5 patients be a caregiver though you just need to fill out some forms and pay 260 dollars.( No criminal background check )

Dispensaries in Colorado are also now required to grow 7O% of their stock on site....

But there are over 1200 dispensaries in Colorado...a full 15% of the state has applied for MMJ cards...( My town alone has 234...population 300K)

We are officially the mile " high"

Opening a store here is easy...just a few fees and permits and your good to go..however we are saturated.

And many stores are closing due to the fact many people are growing their own medicine...


Active Member
In Colorado a care giver can only grow for 5 patients be a caregiver though you just need to fill out some forms and pay 260 dollars.( No criminal background check )

Dispensaries in Colorado are also now required to grow 7O% of their stock on site....

But there are over 1200 dispensaries in Colorado...a full 15% of the state has applied for MMJ cards...( My town alone has 234...population 300K)

We are officially the mile " high"

Opening a store here is easy...just a few fees and permits and your good to go..however we are saturated.

And many stores are closing due to the fact many people are growing their own medicine...
And what I've heard is that the 70% has to be grown by the dispensary and the other 30% can only be purchased from another Dispensary...

The laws are evolving in all the states that have medical marijuana. Find a local magazine that is for the MMJ community and most likely you'll see an ad for some legal help to understand your state laws.


Well-Known Member
No the other 30% percent can still be bought from outside sources ( Not just dispensaries)..but those growers must be registered with the state.

But most stores already have the best growers lined up...

There is one store here that sells stuff called Blue Dream...even cured it sticks to the bag and is too sticky to roll, has crystals big enough to use as mirrors etc.
The store actually paid the grower for a contract for exclusive grow...He was offered 1,000 dollars for a clone...but wouldn't budge.

Every 3rd Friday of the month...there is line outside the store hours before it opens.


Well-Known Member
If you live in Colorado...then yes!

MMJ patients are no longer willing to pay good money for crappy product. Hence the booming hydro grow stores...

But if your stuff is the bomb...just visit the local stores with a sample of your product. Stores can only buy 1/4 pounds or higher though..

And that Blue Dream is the shit...almost like smoking aged wine ( fruity with undertones of woodsy pine or something and so smooth and tasty)....and genuine one hit stuff.


Active Member
each state law is different. no matter what, medical or not, it is federally illegal so the FBI, ATF, or DEA can bust you, even if you are dying of cancer. dont look to get rich off it or the feds will find you. seriously, they have nothing better to do. stay small time and do it as a hobby for you own personal use and a very few trusted friends if you want. dont vote democrat, liberals are the ones that like to make laws. republicans like ron paul are all for legalization. but both republicans and democrats are full of medical marijuana opponents. jennifer granholm a hardcore democrat and cunt bitch of a govenor of michigan where i live, and she is against medical marijuana. if you vote anything, vote libertarian. ron paul was a libertarian but 3rd parties never win so he runs as a republican.


Active Member
I work for a Colorado Dispensary and we were instructed by a lawyer to only buy from other dispensaries, or those that have a cultivation license for an edibles or infused products company.


Well-Known Member
Go to the Washington State link and ask people who actually live there. Our Colorado laws mean nothing to you.


Well we've already established that its illegal to distribute in Washington. I am trying to figure out which states have legalized distribution because apparently its not all medically legalized states as I thought it was originally.


Active Member
Well we've already established that its illegal to distribute in Washington. I am trying to figure out which states have legalized distribution because apparently its not all medically legalized states as I thought it was originally.
Colorado and California right now. I believe Maine, New Jersey, and possibly Michigan in the future. Montana also has them but they are running into some problem areas.