Growing Mids with CFL (Experiment)


Hey fellow growers of the fine herb! This is my first grow and i am really excited. I took some seeds out of some mids i got and am gonna see what i can get out of this cheap weed. If this ends up well i will end up getting some good seeds from a seedbank. I have already started 10 plants and in the pics they are 2 weeks old from seed. They are about 2 and a half weeks old now. I only took a pic of one plant because they all pretty much look the same now. For right now i have 4 6500k 100 watt replacement CFLs in my laundry room lol....i am working on a grow box at the moment but the laundry room works pretty well for now. My roomates are not fans of the weed growing in there. Understandable. Look back on sunday for some updated pics.:bigjoint:Comments more than welcome!



Calyx LED
You are going to end up with way better product than Mids if you take everyone's advise here on RIU! Good luck to ya!


I started to make a box about 2 days ago so i can remove the plants from my laundry room and into my room. But while the plants remain in the LR i put up a new light fixture to go over the lights. The plants are looking good. Ill post some pics tomorrow of all the new projects. Peace, love and green. :peace::leaf:


The plants are now 3 weeks into vegitation and are looking really good i think. Some 5 fan leaves are out. The new light fixture has helped them grow a little better as well. I think that when i move the plants into the new box i will put them on a 18/6 light cycle.....That seem like a good idea?

I made my new light fixture with some metal plumbing pipeing only cost me like 4 dollars at lowes. I cut in half and duct taped them together.

I decided to give my plants a litle extra TLC by naming them...I named one "That Ho" and it is doing the best..haha. My box is almost done. Just gotta wait for the mylar to come in the mail. I ordered some on ebay like thursday. As soon as i am done with the box i will update pics. Enjoy these pics for now.:-P



The Box has been made!!:-P The pics are in pretty good order. First is the box itself and then in the closet and finally with the mylar in it. It looks awesome. I really hope this helps give my plants some good extra light. And if anyone can ansewr this please do. would it be better to leave the fan in there or put it outside blowing in? I have big vent holes.

The box is 3'x3'x18" and i made i little system where the chords of the lights go between the wood panels for extra Im going to start the plants on the 18/6 cycle tomorrow. Comments please....i feel lonely so far on this journey. Thanks for one so far

Enjoy these pics...i took a couple of the plants as well....Peace, Love and Green :peace::leaf:



One of my plants named Virginia has some leaves on the bottom that are curling down around the entire leaf. I have pics to show. She is really the only plant that is doing this so i figured i didnt water her as good as my other gals last time i watered. So i watered my plants today since it has been about 4 days since i watered them last. Let me know if im right or wrong on this diagnosis.



Well-Known Member
plants lookin nice homie....not exactly sure but seems like a good watering will her back to where she needs to be!


Well-Known Member
are those 42w? if not, u should get more lights.. double the amount actually and get some Y adapters, because u lose a lot of lumesn when the light bulb is pointing down.. fluorescent light is better placed horizontally rather than upside down, or right side up (vertically.. duh), but yea just pop some y adapters into ur light sockets, n double ur lights... u can get a lot of wattage going in there, ur plants would love u all the better for it :-)

and i hope that pole that ur lights r clamped onto, isnt fixated.. what are u going to do when u need to raise ur lights?


Thanks for the comments....Those lights are 43 watts.....i dont want to use too much light cause i dont want to run up the electricity bill cause i split it 3 ways with my roomates....just lookin out you know. I am going to double the lights with 2700k soft white bulbs in there when i start to flower my plants, since they will only be on for 12 hours a day. I have the lights in there now at a good angle for max surface area lighting but i will def. get some y's and double the lights during flowereing. And that pole in my room has hooks on it which hang on a chain. Every time i want to raise the lights i just go up a few links. Pretty smart hey!?!?


Ok im a little late on the update, but its all good. Look at the can really tell a difference since last week. They are growing really good and staying nice and green. The stems are getting some good structure and ridges in them and more sprouts are coming out of the bottom of the stem.

One of my plants still has the curled leaves and another plant has a few spots on it which i dont think is that big a deal. They also seem to be drooping a little but they look healthy to me. If anyone has a solution let me know. And i also noticed that only one of my plants has really skinny leaves. My roomate looked it up and said that it was sativa. Can anyone back this up? And whats the difference?

The first two pics are of my skinny leaf plant then the rest are of all the other plants. I moved the lights out of the way for pics but i am keeping them about 4-6 inches away from the plants. Comments are well appreciated also. Thanks for stoppin by.:bigjoint: Peace, Love, and Green.


Spoony Da Dro Man

Active Member
Sativas give you more of a head high, indicas give you more of a body high. As far as growing sativa plants are usually taller take longer to mature and have less chloryphill than indicas they also say sativas require more light than an indica strain. I would get a few more lights bro it dont cost shit to run them little cfls.


Well-Known Member
good lookin box.i prefer the sativa high over the indica.but ima lazy fucker thoguess its all about what you do after you get high?id double up on the lights ,the cfl,s wont run the bill up that sure your roomies will enjoy it in the long run;more light ,more ,tighter bud.keep up th good work man.


Thanks for the feedback. Our utility bill comes soon and if i cannot see a significant difference ill go out and get some y adapters and some more cfls. ill post an update tomorrow with some nice pics. The plants are lookin dank guys. Later.


The plants are now 5 weeks old (35 days old).....and wow this has been the longest 35 days of my life!, but i am really excited to see how the plants are looking. I can see growth every day and the plants are looking very strong. The tallest plant is around 8 inches tall and the shortest is 6.

I can tell the roots are getting some good growth cause the pots seem to dry up after only about 3 days instead of 4.

I have a few concerns though....The box i am using is 3 feet high and the dirt in the pots is about 7 inches high. That gives me 29 inches total to work with. to get the max amount of usage out of my box how tall should i let my plants get before i flower them?

My other question is to see if anyone could recommend some good nutes to mix with my water. I am using plain miracle grow right now at a little under the recommended amount and my plants are getting minor yellow spots on them and the older leaves are feeling dry and curly. I think it is a nute problem, cause the curling leaves stay the same whether the plants are dry or freshly watered. It may be a humidity problem though since i dont have a gauge to measure humidity. Please someone help me out with this.

I got some baking soda and dryer sheets for my closet cause the little monsters are startin to stank a little. It already smells better after two days.

Well thats all i have to spill for right now There are a lot of pictures but i took one of each plant and them just some others i thought were appropriate. enjoy. Peace, love ,and green.




i went to the store today and got a thermometer and a humidity guage. I set in the room for about an hour and the results were 90 degrees F and 48% humidity. I dont know anything about ranges that eaither category should be in. Can someone tell me if i need to lower or raise either of these and how do i do so. Thanks for stoppin by and any comments are well appreciated. I still feel very alone in my journal.


Well-Known Member
your humidity is fine, but the temp is a little high. you wanna try and stay in the 70-80 degrees range (even up to 85 would be ok). i know you have lots of vent holes in your box, but i'm not sure how much air flow your getting through them. the idea is to get cooler air from outside and push out the hot air. if your not sure about if your getting air flow into and out of the box, put a lighter up besides some of the holes and if you get flickering u know some air is moving. if not i would say you need another fan or get some sort of intake and outtake system going. and remember, hot air rises, so the best way to get rid of excess heat is to give it a way to vent out the top. hope that helps!


Thanks for the advise. I think i will get another fan tomorrow and put it on the opposite side of my current fan. See how that works and i f i need to lower the temp some more i may have to do minor reconstruction on my box but thats no biggie. Its all for a good cause.

Oh and i also got my utilities bill today and damn can you believe it, it was lower than last month so HELL YEAH i am gettin some more lights tomorrow (4 more) which will double the amount i have now. I think our AC uses like half of our I cant wait to see how much faster the plants grow with the extrra light. Peace, love, and green!!