Growing Mids with CFL (Experiment)


Well-Known Member
i think its sort of ignorant to assume that because there haven't been any updates recently that the grow ended badly. there could be any number of reasons why thc1114 might not be posting that have absolutely nothing to do with how his plants turned out.


Well-Known Member
My assumption is not so much based on lack of updates as it is based on the above photos. Those plants were going in a bad direction. The evidence is clear. There's nothing "ignorant" about what I said, its all perfectly logical based on much evidence.
Do you think someone who had great success would suddenly stop showing off that success.? Yeah that makes more sense than what I suggested. OK.
I'm not being mean I'm just being honest. Just like when I said that the plants were being overfed and over watered. Thc1114 can come on anytime and prove me wrong. I'll be nothing but happy for him/her.
If my honest assessment of the situation has offended anyone than all I can say is sometimes the truth hurts.


Haha wow i am so sorry i havent updated everybody but it was pretty funny reading the last few posts haha! Well lets say things tyrned out pretty well. I stopped updating because i felt like no one was really into my grow so i just fluttered away from the journal.

After drying my plants my total weight was just over 3 ounces. Pics in the next update!